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Validating correctness of the results from a simulation

By limiting the bond dimension of the state, systems of arbitrary size can be simulated (memory consumption). However, when truncation of the state hits the hard cap of max_bond_dim, control over the error incurred by truncation is lost, and care must be taken that the results are still accurate. By setting max_bond_dim = 1600 extra_krylov_tolerance=1e-5 and precision=1e-6, we were able to run the adiabatic pulse from the benchmarks for a 7x7 grid. For an analysis of the performance, see the benchmark page. This is a pulse that creates an antiferromagnetic state for smaller grids. However, whether or not a state is still effectively adiabatic depends on the energy gap of the system, and this decreases with system size. This example is instructive because lack of antiferromagnetic structure for larger systems does not automatically mean that the simulation was not accurate. The obtained qubit density was

0.87 0.47 0.62 0.56 0.62 0.47 0.87
0.47 0.43 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.43 0.47
0.62 0.41 0.47 0.45 0.47 0.41 0.62
0.56 0.42 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.42 0.56
0.62 0.41 0.47 0.45 0.47 0.41 0.62
0.47 0.43 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.43 0.47
0.87 0.47 0.62 0.56 0.62 0.47 0.87

Trusting your results

First let's discuss whether these results are trustworthy, and then how the values of max_bond_dim and precision were obtained iteratively.

For verifying the validity of the results, users should vary the parameters of the emulator until the results become insensitive to their variation (see here). This is what was done to obtain the above results, and then the main question is whether long-range interactions are correctly taken into account by the TDVP algorithm. It is worth noting that TDVP is a 1-d algorithm, so that qubits that are close in physical space are not necessarily close in the MPS layout. Specifically, the register ordering we used in the MPS simply concatenates all the colums of the above grid, and uses the resulting linear ordering, so while qubit (1,1) and (1,2) are neighbours in the MPS, qubits (1,1) and (2,1) are not, and this creates an artifical long-range interaction, which TDVP handles through an effective description (see here). If the effective description of the interaction did not take the Rydberg interaction properly into account, we would expect to see different structure in the qubit densities along the horizontal axis than along the vertical one, due to the error in the effective description. This is not the case because the table of qubit densities shown above obeys the symmetries of the grid: the table can be reflected along the horizontal and vertical axis, as well as rotated by right angles (and because these tranformations form a group, reflection symmetry around the diagonals follows, etc.).

Since the qubit density results have symmetries that we expect to be broken by the errors intrinsic in TDVP, it is likely that the above results are correct even though only weak antiferromagnetic structure is present. Instead, the lack of antiferromagnetic structure probably occurs because the pulse used is no longer effectively adiabatic for this system size.

Now let us consider why we used the config values quoted above.

exploring the parameter space

Since the starting point of a parameter search is always a bit arbitrary, we started by seeing with what max_bond_dim we could still simulate the pulse, for the default precision, on 2 gpus. This turns out to have been 1800. Then the first point of investigation was how much this result depends on bond dimension. Only in the below equations, let ψd denote the state obtained for max_bond_dim=d, then we found


These inner products mean the output state hardly changes, and sure enough, various observables, such as the fidelity on the antiferromagnetic state and the qubit density are also basically constant. We could probably have reduced max_bond_dim even further without much consequence, but max_bond_dim=1600 was sufficient to run simulations with much better precisions, so we did not investigate further. Recall that by default precision=1e-5. We now ran simulations, all with max_bond_dim=1600 but precision one of [1e-7,2e-7,5e-7,1e-6,2e-6,5e-6] and extra_krylov_tolerance=1e-5. The value of extra_krylov_tolerance was chosen so that for precision=1e-7, the precision in the Lanczos algorithm was the same as the default in ITensors. Only in the below equations, let ψp denote the state obtained for precision=p, then we found


Notice that this list of inner products stabilizes up to 3 digits for precisions better than 1e-6. Assuming a Hermitian operator A and a normalized state, we can write


Since A=1 if A is a Pauli string operator, we can specifically expect the qubit density to be accurate up to the second digit for precision < 1e-6. This is why the qubit density was only printed for two digits at the start of this page, and from the numerics, we also find the above observation holds. The above also shows that for precision > 1e-6 we can expect variations in the qubit density in the second digit, which we also observe in the numerics. Specifically, for precision > 1e-6, the reflection and rotation symmetries of the qubit densities only hold up the first digit. Since the qubit density at the center of the grid only differs in the second digit, precisions larger that 1e-6 were not deemed sufficient to judge whether the pulse was accurately simulated.

Since the results obtained for max_bond_dim = 1600, extra_krylov_tolerance=1e-5 and precision=1e-6 are accurate enough for the purposes of this discussion, we did not investigate the impact of varying dt.