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Analog Operations

Analog Operations

An analog operation is one whose unitary is best described by the evolution of some hermitian generator, or Hamiltonian, acting on an arbitrary number of qubits. For a time-independent generator \(\mathcal{H}\) and some time variable \(t\), the evolution operator is \(\exp(-i\mathcal{H}t)\). pyqtorch provides the HamiltonianEvolution class to initialize analog operations. There exists several ways to pass a generator, and we present them next.

Dimensionless units

The quantity \(\mathcal{H}t\) has to be dimensionless for exponentiation in PyQTorch.

Tensor generator

The first case of generator we can provide is simply an arbitrary hermitian tensor. Note we can use a string for defining the time evolution as a parameter, instead of directly passing a tensor.

import torch
from pyqtorch import uniform_state, HamiltonianEvolution
from pyqtorch.matrices import DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE

n_qubits = 2
qubit_targets = list(range(n_qubits))

# Random hermitian hamiltonian
matrix = torch.rand(2**n_qubits, 2**n_qubits, dtype=DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE)
hermitian_matrix = matrix + matrix.T.conj()

time = torch.tensor([1.0])
time_symbol = "t"

hamiltonian_evolution = HamiltonianEvolution(hermitian_matrix, time_symbol, qubit_targets)

# Starting from a uniform state
psi_start = uniform_state(n_qubits)

# Returns the evolved state
psi_end = hamiltonian_evolution(state = psi_start, values={time_symbol: time})

tensor([[[0.1286+0.4308j], [0.1131+0.5158j]], [[0.1094+0.4597j], [0.1292+0.5283j]]], dtype=torch.complex128)

Symbol generator

We can also have a symbol generator to be replaced later by any hermitian matrix. and in this case we use a string symbol to instantiate HamiltonianEvolution.

import torch
from pyqtorch import uniform_state, HamiltonianEvolution
from pyqtorch.matrices import DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE

n_qubits = 2
qubit_targets = list(range(n_qubits))

# Symbol hamiltonian
hermitian_symbol = "h"

time = torch.tensor([1.0])

hamiltonian_evolution = HamiltonianEvolution(hermitian_symbol, time, qubit_targets)

# Starting from a uniform state
psi_start = uniform_state(n_qubits)

# Set the value for h
matrix = torch.rand(2**n_qubits, 2**n_qubits, dtype=DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE)
H = matrix + matrix.T.conj()

# Returns the evolved state
psi_end = hamiltonian_evolution(state = psi_start, values={hermitian_symbol: H})

tensor([[[-0.3827+0.5965j], [ 0.1332+0.5723j]], [[-0.0651+0.3016j], [ 0.1637+0.1746j]]], dtype=torch.complex128)

Sequence generator

The generator can be also a sequence of operators such as a quantum circuit:

import torch
from pyqtorch import uniform_state, HamiltonianEvolution, X, Y
from pyqtorch import Add, QuantumCircuit

n_qubits = 2

ops = [X, Y] * 2
qubit_targets = list(range(n_qubits))
generator = QuantumCircuit(
        Add([op(q) for op, q in zip(ops, qubit_targets)]),
        *[op(q) for op, q in zip(ops, qubit_targets)],

time = torch.tensor([1.0])

hamiltonian_evolution = HamiltonianEvolution(generator, time, qubit_targets)

# Starting from a uniform state
psi_start = uniform_state(n_qubits)

# Returns the evolved state
psi_end = hamiltonian_evolution(state = psi_start)

tensor([[[-0.0814+0.1267j], [ 0.3733-0.5814j]], [[-0.0814+0.1267j], [ 0.3733-0.5814j]]], dtype=torch.complex128)

Batched execution

We also allow for different ways to run analog operations on batched inputs. We can have batched evolution times, or batched generators. Below we show a few examples.

Batched evolution times

import torch
from pyqtorch import uniform_state, HamiltonianEvolution
from pyqtorch.matrices import DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE

n_qubits = 2
qubit_targets = list(range(n_qubits))

# Random hermitian hamiltonian
matrix = torch.rand(2**n_qubits, 2**n_qubits, dtype=DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE)
hermitian_matrix = matrix + matrix.T.conj()

times = torch.tensor([0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0])
time_symbol = "t"

hamiltonian_evolution = HamiltonianEvolution(hermitian_matrix, time_symbol, qubit_targets)

# Starting from a uniform state
psi_start = uniform_state(n_qubits)

# Returns the evolved state
psi_end = hamiltonian_evolution(state = psi_start, values={time_symbol: times})

torch.Size([2, 2, 4])

Batched generators

import torch
from pyqtorch import uniform_state, HamiltonianEvolution
from pyqtorch.matrices import DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE

n_qubits = 2
qubit_targets = list(range(n_qubits))

# Random hermitian hamiltonian
matrix = torch.rand(2**n_qubits, 2**n_qubits, dtype=DEFAULT_MATRIX_DTYPE)
H = matrix + matrix.T.conj()
hermitian_batch = torch.stack((H, H.conj()), dim=2)

time = torch.tensor([1.0])
time_symbol = "t"

hamiltonian_evolution = HamiltonianEvolution(hermitian_batch, time_symbol, qubit_targets)

# Starting from a uniform state
psi_start = uniform_state(n_qubits)

# Returns the evolved state
psi_end = hamiltonian_evolution(state = psi_start, values={time_symbol: time})

torch.Size([2, 2, 2])