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Use Arbitrary Expressions as Gate Parameters via Embedding

By default, a Parametric operation expects a values dict with a value for its parameter in the forward-pass when initialized using a str parameter.

Using arbitrary expressions as parameters

pyqtorch allows for using arbitary expressions as parameters, for instance sin(x) where x can be a FeatureParameter. To do so, a name has to be assigned to the outcome of the evaluation of sin(x) and supplied to the pyq.QuantumCircuit within an instance of Embedding.

Creating parameter expressions using ConcretizedCallable

pyq.ConcretizedCallable expects a name for a function and a list of arguments

import torch
import pyqtorch as pyq
sin_x, sin_x_fn = 'sin_x', pyq.ConcretizedCallable(call_name = 'sin', abstract_args=['x'])
# We can now evaluate sin_x_fn using a values dict
x = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
values = {'x': x}
result = sin_x_fn(values)
print(torch.autograd.grad(result, x, torch.ones_like(result))[0])

Interfacing ConcretizedCallable with QuantumCircuit parameters via the Embedding class

Lets use sin_x in another callable, so our gate will be parametrized by the result of the expression y * sin(x) where y is trainable and x is a feature parameter. We can tell pyq how to associate each callable with its underlying parameters via the Embedding class which expects arguments regarding what are trainable and non-trainable symbols.

mul_sinx_y, mul_sinx_y_fn = 'mul_sinx_y', pyq.ConcretizedCallable(call_name = 'mul', abstract_args=['sin_x', 'y'])
embedding = pyq.Embedding(vparam_names=['y'], fparam_names=['x'], var_to_call={sin_x: sin_x_fn, mul_sinx_y: mul_sinx_y_fn})
circ = pyq.QuantumCircuit(1, [pyq.RX(0, mul_sinx_y)])
state= pyq.zero_state(1)
y = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
values = {'x': x, 'y': y}
obs = pyq.Observable([pyq.Z(0)])
expval = pyq.expectation(circuit=circ, state=state, values=values, observable=obs, diff_mode=pyq.DiffMode.AD, embedding=embedding)
print(torch.autograd.grad(expval, (x, y), torch.ones_like(expval)))
(tensor([-0.0088]), tensor([-0.0003]))

Tracking and Reembedding a tracked parameter

For specific usecases, a tparam argument can be passed to the Embedding which tells the class to track the computations depending on it which enables for their efficient recomputation given different values for tparam.

v_params = ["theta"]
f_params = ["x"]
tparam = "t"
leaf0, native_call0 = "%0", pyq.ConcretizedCallable(
    "mul", ["x", "theta"], {}
leaf1, native_call1 = "%1", pyq.ConcretizedCallable(
    "mul", ["t", "%0"], {}

leaf2, native_call2 = "%2", pyq.ConcretizedCallable("sin", ["%1"], {})
embedding = pyq.Embedding(
    var_to_call={leaf0: native_call0, leaf1: native_call1, leaf2: native_call2},
inputs = {
    "x": torch.rand(1),
    "theta": torch.rand(1),
    tparam: torch.rand(1),
all_params = embedding.embed_all(inputs)
print(f'{leaf2} value before reembedding: {all_params[leaf2]}')
new_tparam_val = torch.rand(1)
reembedded_params = embedding.reembed_tparam(all_params, new_tparam_val)
print(f'{leaf2} value after reembedding: {reembedded_params[leaf2]}')
%2 value before reembedding: tensor([0.0767]) %2 value after reembedding: tensor([0.0918])

See the docstrings for more details and examples:


Transform an abstract function name and arguments into a callable in a linear algebra engine which can be evaluated using user input. Arguments: call_name: The name of the function. abstract_args: A list of arguments to the function, can be numeric types for constants or strings for parameters instruction_mapping: A dict containing user-passed mappings from a function name to its implementation. engine_name: The name of the framework to use. device: Which device to use.


import torch

from pyqtorch.embed import ConcretizedCallable

In [11]: call = ConcretizedCallable('sin', ['x'], engine_name='numpy')
In [12]: call({'x': 0.5})
Out[12]: 0.479425538604203

In [13]: call = ConcretizedCallable('sin', ['x'], engine_name='torch')
In [14]: call({'x': torch.rand(1)})
Out[14]: tensor([0.5531])

In [15]: call = ConcretizedCallable('sin', ['x'], engine_name='jax')
In [16]: call({'x': 0.5})
Out[16]: Array(0.47942555, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)

Source code in pyqtorch/
class ConcretizedCallable:
    """Transform an abstract function name and arguments into
        a callable in a linear algebra engine which can be evaluated
        using user input.
        call_name: The name of the function.
        abstract_args: A list of arguments to the function,
                       can be numeric types for constants or strings for parameters
        instruction_mapping: A dict containing user-passed mappings from a function name
                            to its implementation.
        engine_name: The name of the framework to use.
        device: Which device to use.

    import torch

    from pyqtorch.embed import ConcretizedCallable

    In [11]: call = ConcretizedCallable('sin', ['x'], engine_name='numpy')
    In [12]: call({'x': 0.5})
    Out[12]: 0.479425538604203

    In [13]: call = ConcretizedCallable('sin', ['x'], engine_name='torch')
    In [14]: call({'x': torch.rand(1)})
    Out[14]: tensor([0.5531])

    In [15]: call = ConcretizedCallable('sin', ['x'], engine_name='jax')
    In [16]: call({'x': 0.5})
    Out[16]: Array(0.47942555, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)


    def __init__(
        call_name: str = "",
        abstract_args: list[str | float | int | complex | ConcretizedCallable] = ["x"],
        instruction_mapping: dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] | None = None,
        engine_name: str = "torch",
        device: str = "cpu",
        dtype: Any = None,
    ) -> None:
        instruction_mapping = instruction_mapping or dict()
        instruction_mapping = {
        self.call_name = call_name
        self.abstract_args = abstract_args
        self.engine_name = engine_name
        self._device = device
        self._dtype = dtype
        self.engine_call = None
        engine = None
        if not all(
                isinstance(arg, (str, float, int, complex, Tensor, ConcretizedCallable))
                for arg in abstract_args
            raise TypeError(
                "Only str, float, int, complex, Tensor or ConcretizedCallable type elements \
                are supported for abstract_args"
            engine_name, fn_name = ARRAYLIKE_FN_MAP[engine_name]
            engine = import_module(engine_name)
            self.arraylike_fn = getattr(engine, fn_name)
        except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
            logger.error(f"Unable to import {engine_name} due to {e}.")

            self.engine_call = getattr(engine, call_name, None)
            if self.engine_call is None:
                mod, fn = instruction_mapping[call_name]
                self.engine_call = getattr(import_module(mod), fn)
        except (ImportError, KeyError) as e:
                f"Requested function {call_name} can not be imported from {engine_name} and is"
                + f" not in instruction_mapping {instruction_mapping} due to {e}."

    def evaluate(self, inputs: dict[str, ArrayLike] | None = None) -> ArrayLike:
        arraylike_args = []
        inputs = inputs or dict()
        for symbol_or_numeric in self.abstract_args:
            if isinstance(symbol_or_numeric, ConcretizedCallable):
            if isinstance(symbol_or_numeric, (float, int, Tensor)):
                    self.arraylike_fn(symbol_or_numeric, device=self.device)
            elif isinstance(symbol_or_numeric, str):
        return self.engine_call(*arraylike_args)  # type: ignore[misc]

    def _get_independent_args(cls, cc: ConcretizedCallable) -> set:
        out: set = set()
        if len(cc.abstract_args) == 1 and isinstance(cc.abstract_args[0], str):
            return set([cc.abstract_args[0]])
            for arg in cc.abstract_args:
                if isinstance(arg, ConcretizedCallable):
                    res = cls._get_independent_args(arg)
                    out = out.union(res)
                    if isinstance(arg, str):
        return out

    def independent_args(self) -> list:
        return list(self._get_independent_args(self))

    def __call__(self, inputs: dict[str, ArrayLike] | None = None) -> ArrayLike:
        return self.evaluate(inputs)

    def __mul__(
        self, other: str | int | float | complex | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("mul", [self, other])

    def __rmul__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("mul", [other, self])

    def __add__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("add", [self, other])

    def __radd__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("add", [other, self])

    def __sub__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("sub", [self, other])

    def __rsub__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("sub", [other, self])

    def __pow__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("pow", [self, other])

    def __rpow__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("pow", [other, self])

    def __truediv__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("div", [self, other])

    def __rtruediv__(
        self, other: str | int | float | ConcretizedCallable
    ) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return ConcretizedCallable("div", [other, self])

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.call_name}({self.abstract_args})"

    def __neg__(self) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        return -1 * self

    def device(self) -> str:
        return self._device

    def dtype(self) -> Any:
        return self._dtype

    def to(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> ConcretizedCallable:
        self._device = kwargs.get("device", None)
        self._dtype = kwargs.get("dtype", None)
        return self


A class relating variational and feature parameters used in ConcretizedCallable instances to parameter names used in gates.


Name Type Description Default
vparam_names list[str]

A list of variational parameters.

fparam_names list[str]

A list of feature parameters.

var_to_call dict[str, ConcretizedCallable] | None

A dict mapping from <parameter_name: ConcretizedCallable> pairs,.

tparam_name str | None

Optional name for a time parameter.

engine_name str

The name of the linear algebra engine.

device str

The device to use



from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import pytest
import torch
import torch.autograd.gradcheck

import pyqtorch as pyq
from pyqtorch.embed import ConcretizedCallable, Embedding
name0, fn0 = "fn0", ConcretizedCallable("sin", ["x"])
name1, fn1 = "fn1", ConcretizedCallable("mul", ["fn0", "y"])
name2, fn2 = "fn2", ConcretizedCallable("mul", ["fn1", 2.0])
name3, fn3 = "fn3", ConcretizedCallable("log", ["fn2"])
embedding = pyq.Embedding(
    var_to_call={name0: fn0, name1: fn1, name2: fn2, name3: fn3},
rx = pyq.RX(0, param_name=name0)
cry = pyq.CRY(0, 1, param_name=name1)
phase = pyq.PHASE(1, param_name=name2)
ry = pyq.RY(1, param_name=name3)
cnot = pyq.CNOT(1, 2)
ops = [rx, cry, phase, ry, cnot]
n_qubits = 3
circ = pyq.QuantumCircuit(n_qubits, ops)
obs = pyq.Observable([pyq.Z(0)])

state = pyq.zero_state(n_qubits)

x = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
y = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)

values_ad = {"x": x, "y": y}
embedded_params = embedding(values_ad)
wf =, state, embedded_params, embedding)

Source code in pyqtorch/
class Embedding:
    """A class relating variational and feature parameters used in ConcretizedCallable instances to
    parameter names used in gates.

        vparam_names: A list of variational parameters.
        fparam_names: A list of feature parameters.
        var_to_call: A dict mapping from <`parameter_name`: ConcretizedCallable> pairs,.
        tparam_name: Optional name for a time parameter.
        engine_name: The name of the linear algebra engine.
        device: The device to use

    from __future__ import annotations

    import numpy as np
    import pytest
    import torch
    import torch.autograd.gradcheck

    import pyqtorch as pyq
    from pyqtorch.embed import ConcretizedCallable, Embedding
    name0, fn0 = "fn0", ConcretizedCallable("sin", ["x"])
    name1, fn1 = "fn1", ConcretizedCallable("mul", ["fn0", "y"])
    name2, fn2 = "fn2", ConcretizedCallable("mul", ["fn1", 2.0])
    name3, fn3 = "fn3", ConcretizedCallable("log", ["fn2"])
    embedding = pyq.Embedding(
        var_to_call={name0: fn0, name1: fn1, name2: fn2, name3: fn3},
    rx = pyq.RX(0, param_name=name0)
    cry = pyq.CRY(0, 1, param_name=name1)
    phase = pyq.PHASE(1, param_name=name2)
    ry = pyq.RY(1, param_name=name3)
    cnot = pyq.CNOT(1, 2)
    ops = [rx, cry, phase, ry, cnot]
    n_qubits = 3
    circ = pyq.QuantumCircuit(n_qubits, ops)
    obs = pyq.Observable([pyq.Z(0)])

    state = pyq.zero_state(n_qubits)

    x = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
    y = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)

    values_ad = {"x": x, "y": y}
    embedded_params = embedding(values_ad)
    wf =, state, embedded_params, embedding)

    def __init__(
        vparam_names: list[str] = [],
        fparam_names: list[str] = [],
        var_to_call: dict[str, ConcretizedCallable] | None = None,
        tparam_name: str | None = None,
        engine_name: str = "torch",
        device: str = "cpu",
    ) -> None:
        var_to_call = var_to_call or dict()
        self.vparams = {
            vp: init_param(engine_name, trainable=True, device=device)
            for vp in vparam_names
        self.fparam_names: list[str] = fparam_names
        self.tparam_name = tparam_name
        self.var_to_call: dict[str, ConcretizedCallable] = var_to_call
        self._dtype: DTypeLike = None
        self.tracked_vars: list[str] = []
        self._device = device
        self._tracked_vars_identified = False
        self.engine_name = engine_name

    def root_param_names(self) -> list[str]:
        return list(self.vparams.keys()) + self.fparam_names

    def embed_all(
        inputs: dict[str, ArrayLike] | None = None,
    ) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]:
        """The standard embedding of all intermediate and leaf parameters.
        Include the root_params, i.e., the vparams and fparams original values
        to be reused in computations.
        inputs = inputs or dict()
        for intermediate_or_leaf_var, engine_callable in self.var_to_call.items():
            # We mutate the original inputs dict and include intermediates and leaves.
            if not self._tracked_vars_identified:
                # we do this only on the first embedding call
                if self.tparam_name and any(
                        p in [self.tparam_name] + self.tracked_vars
                        for p in engine_callable.abstract_args
                    ]  # we check if any parameter in the callables args is time
                    # or depends on an intermediate variable which itself depends on time
                    # we remember which parameters depend on time
            inputs[intermediate_or_leaf_var] = engine_callable(inputs)
        self._tracked_vars_identified = True
        return inputs

    def reembed_tparam(
        embedded_params: dict[str, ArrayLike],
        tparam_value: ArrayLike,
    ) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]:
        """Receive already embedded params containing intermediate and leaf parameters
        and recalculate the those which are dependent on `tparam_name` using the new value
        if self.tparam_name is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`reembed_param` requires a `tparam_name` to be passed\
                              when initializing the `Embedding` class"
        embedded_params[self.tparam_name] = tparam_value
        for time_dependent_param in self.tracked_vars:
            embedded_params[time_dependent_param] = self.var_to_call[
        return embedded_params

    def __call__(
        self, inputs: dict[str, ArrayLike] | None = None
    ) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]:
        """Functional version of legacy embedding: Return a new dictionary\
        with all embedded parameters."""
        return self.embed_all(inputs or dict())

    def dtype(self) -> DTypeLike:
        return self._dtype

    def device(self) -> str:
        return self._device

    def to(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Embedding:
        if self.engine_name == "torch":
            # we only support this for torch for now
            self.vparams = {p:*args, **kwargs) for p, t in self.vparams.items()}
            self.var_to_call = {
                p:*args, **kwargs) for p, call in self.var_to_call.items()
            # Dtype and device have to be passes as kwargs
            self._dtype = kwargs.get("dtype", self._dtype)
            self._device = kwargs.get("device", self._device)
        return self


The standard embedding of all intermediate and leaf parameters. Include the root_params, i.e., the vparams and fparams original values to be reused in computations.

Source code in pyqtorch/
def embed_all(
    inputs: dict[str, ArrayLike] | None = None,
) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]:
    """The standard embedding of all intermediate and leaf parameters.
    Include the root_params, i.e., the vparams and fparams original values
    to be reused in computations.
    inputs = inputs or dict()
    for intermediate_or_leaf_var, engine_callable in self.var_to_call.items():
        # We mutate the original inputs dict and include intermediates and leaves.
        if not self._tracked_vars_identified:
            # we do this only on the first embedding call
            if self.tparam_name and any(
                    p in [self.tparam_name] + self.tracked_vars
                    for p in engine_callable.abstract_args
                ]  # we check if any parameter in the callables args is time
                # or depends on an intermediate variable which itself depends on time
                # we remember which parameters depend on time
        inputs[intermediate_or_leaf_var] = engine_callable(inputs)
    self._tracked_vars_identified = True
    return inputs

reembed_tparam(embedded_params, tparam_value)

Receive already embedded params containing intermediate and leaf parameters and recalculate the those which are dependent on tparam_name using the new value tparam_value.

Source code in pyqtorch/
def reembed_tparam(
    embedded_params: dict[str, ArrayLike],
    tparam_value: ArrayLike,
) -> dict[str, ArrayLike]:
    """Receive already embedded params containing intermediate and leaf parameters
    and recalculate the those which are dependent on `tparam_name` using the new value
    if self.tparam_name is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "`reembed_param` requires a `tparam_name` to be passed\
                          when initializing the `Embedding` class"
    embedded_params[self.tparam_name] = tparam_value
    for time_dependent_param in self.tracked_vars:
        embedded_params[time_dependent_param] = self.var_to_call[
    return embedded_params