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Template Python project

This is a template Python project which can be used to bootstrap a new library in the Pasqal quantum software codebase.

Development tools

The library uses the following tools:

  • hatch for managing virtual environment and dependencies
  • pytest for building the unit tests suite
  • black, isort and flake8 for code formatting and linting
  • mypy for static type checking
  • pre-commit for applying linting and formatting automatically before committing new code

We recommend to use pyenv for managing python versions for managing python versions both globally and locally:

# System-wide install of a python version.
pyenv install 3.10

# Use 3.10 everywhere.
pyenv global 3.10

# Or locally in the current directory.
pyenv local 3.10

Install from registry

Before you can install the library from the private Pasqal PyPi, make sure to ask for PYPI_USERNAME and PYPI_PASSWORD on the relevant Slack channel. You can then set the credentials as environment variables via:


You are then able to install the latest version of template-python-project from the Pasqal private PyPi.

Install from source

All Pasqal quantum libraries require Python >=3.8. For development, the preferred method to install this package is to use hatch. You can install from source by cloning this repository and run:

python -m pip install hatch
python -m hatch -v shell

# execute any script using the library

Alternatively, you can also:

  • install with pip in development mode by simply running pip install -e .. Notice that in this way you will install all the dependencies, including extras.
  • install it with conda by simply using pip inside the Conda environment.


When developing the package, the recommended way is to create a virtual environment with hatch as shown above:

python -m pip install hatch
python -m hatch -v shell

When inside the shell with development dependencies, install first the pre-commit hook:

pre-commit install

In this way, you will get automatic linting and formatting every time you commit new code. Do not forget to run the unit test suite by simply running the pytest command.

If you do not want to get into the Hatch shell, you can alternatively do the following:

python -m pip install hatch
python -m hatch -v shell

# install the pre-commit
python -m hatch run pre-commit install

# commit some code
python -m hatch run git commit -m "My awesome commit"

# run the unit tests suite
python -m hatch run pytest


You can improve the documentation of the package by editing this file for the landing page or adding new markdown or Jupyter notebooks to the docs/ folder in the root of the project. In order to modify the table of contents, edit the mkdocs.yml file in the root of the project.

In order to build and serve the documentation locally, you can use hatch with the right environment:

python -m hatch -v run docs:build
python -m hatch -v run docs:serve

If you don't want to use hatch, just check into your favorite virtual environment and execute the following commands:

python -m pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
mkdocs build
mkdocs serve