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Noise for simulations

NoiseHandler(protocol, options=dict())

A container for multiple sources of noise.

Note NoiseProtocol.ANALOG and NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL sources cannot be both present. Also NoiseProtocol.READOUT can only be present once as the last noise sources, and only exclusively with NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL sources.


The protocol(s) applied. To be defined from NoiseProtocol.

TYPE: NoiseEnum | list[NoiseEnum]


A list of options defining the protocol. For NoiseProtocol.ANALOG, options should contain a field noise_probs. For NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL, options should contain a field error_probability.

TYPE: dict | list[dict] DEFAULT: dict()


    from qadence import NoiseProtocol, NoiseHandler

    analog_options = {"noise_probs": 0.1}
    digital_options = {"error_probability": 0.1}
    readout_options = {"error_probability": 0.1, "seed": 0}

    # single noise sources
    analog_noise = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.ANALOG.DEPOLARIZING, analog_options)
    digital_depo_noise = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.DEPOLARIZING, digital_options)
    readout_noise = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.READOUT, readout_options)

    # init from multiple sources
    protocols: list = [NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.DEPOLARIZING, NoiseProtocol.READOUT]
    options: list = [digital_options, readout_noise]
    noise_combination = NoiseHandler(protocols, options)

    # Appending noise sources
    noise_combination = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.BITFLIP, digital_options)
    noise_combination.append([digital_depo_noise, readout_noise])
Source code in qadence/noise/
def __init__(
    protocol: NoiseEnum | list[NoiseEnum],
    options: dict | list[dict] = dict(),
) -> None:
    self.protocol = protocol if isinstance(protocol, list) else [protocol]
    self.options = options if isinstance(options, list) else [options] * len(self.protocol)


Append noises.


The noises to add.

TYPE: NoiseHandler | list[NoiseHandler]

Source code in qadence/noise/
def append(self, other: NoiseHandler | list[NoiseHandler]) -> None:
    """Append noises.

        other (NoiseHandler | list[NoiseHandler]): The noises to add.
    # To avoid overwriting the noise_sources list if an error is raised, make a copy
    other_list = other if isinstance(other, list) else [other]
    protocols = self.protocol[:]
    options = self.options[:]

    for noise in other_list:
        protocols += noise.protocol
        options += noise.options

    # init may raise an error
    temp_handler = NoiseHandler(protocols, options)
    # if verify passes, replace protocols and options
    self.protocol = temp_handler.protocol
    self.options = temp_handler.options


Make sure all protocols are correct in terms and their combination too.

Source code in qadence/noise/
def verify_all_protocols(self) -> None:
    """Make sure all protocols are correct in terms and their combination too."""

    if len(self.protocol) == 0:
        raise ValueError("NoiseHandler should be specified with one valid configuration.")

    if len(self.protocol) != len(self.options):
        raise ValueError("Specify lists of same length when defining noises.")

    for protocol, option in zip(self.protocol, self.options):
        self._verify_single_protocol(protocol, option)

    types = [type(p) for p in self.protocol]
    unique_types = set(types)
    if NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL in unique_types and NoiseProtocol.ANALOG in unique_types:
        raise ValueError("Cannot define a config with both Digital and Analog noises.")

    if NoiseProtocol.ANALOG in unique_types:
        if NoiseProtocol.READOUT in unique_types:
            raise ValueError("Cannot define a config with both READOUT and Analog noises.")
        if types.count(NoiseProtocol.ANALOG) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Multiple Analog Noises are not supported yet.")

    if NoiseProtocol.READOUT in unique_types:
        if (
            not isinstance(self.protocol[-1], NoiseProtocol.READOUT)
            or types.count(NoiseProtocol.READOUT) > 1
            raise ValueError("Only define a NoiseHandler with one READOUT as the last Noise.")