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The abstract QuantumCircuit is the key object in Qadence, as it is what can be executed.

QuantumCircuit(support, *blocks) dataclass

Am abstract QuantumCircuit instance.

It needs to be passed to a quantum backend for execution.


support: `Register` or number of qubits. If an integer is provided, a register is
    constructed with `Register.all_to_all(x)`
*blocks: (Possibly multiple) blocks to construct the circuit from.
Source code in qadence/
def __init__(self, support: int | Register, *blocks: AbstractBlock):

        support: `Register` or number of qubits. If an integer is provided, a register is
            constructed with `Register.all_to_all(x)`
        *blocks: (Possibly multiple) blocks to construct the circuit from.
    self.block = chain(*blocks) if len(blocks) != 1 else blocks[0]
    self.register = Register(support) if isinstance(support, int) else support

    global_block = isinstance(self.block, AnalogBlock) and self.block.qubit_support.is_global
    if not global_block and len(self.block) and self.block.n_qubits > self.register.n_qubits:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Register with {self.register.n_qubits} qubits is too small for the "
            f"given block with {self.block.n_qubits} qubits"

unique_parameters property

Return the unique parameters in the circuit.

These parameters are the actual user-facing parameters which can be assigned by the user. Multiple gates can contain the same unique parameter


list[Parameter]: List of unique parameters in the circuit


Reverse the QuantumCircuit by calling dagger on the block.

Source code in qadence/
def dagger(self) -> QuantumCircuit:
    """Reverse the QuantumCircuit by calling dagger on the block."""
    return QuantumCircuit(self.n_qubits, self.block.dagger())


Extract one or more blocks using the human-readable tag.

This function recursively explores all composite blocks to find all the occurrences of a certain tag in the blocks.


the tag to look for

TYPE: str


list[AbstractBlock]: The block(s) corresponding to the given tag

Source code in qadence/
def get_blocks_by_tag(self, tag: str) -> list[AbstractBlock]:
    """Extract one or more blocks using the human-readable tag.

    This function recursively explores all composite blocks to find
    all the occurrences of a certain tag in the blocks.

        tag (str): the tag to look for

        list[AbstractBlock]: The block(s) corresponding to the given tag

    def _get_block(block: AbstractBlock) -> list[AbstractBlock]:
        blocks = []
        if block.tag == tag:
            blocks += [block]
        if isinstance(block, CompositeBlock):
            blocks += flatten(*[_get_block(b) for b in block.blocks])
        return blocks

    return _get_block(self.block)


Extract all parameters for primitive blocks in the circuit.

Notice that this function returns all the unique Parameters used in the quantum circuit. These can correspond to constants too.

list[Parameter | Basic] | list[tuple[Parameter | Basic, ...]]

List[tuple[Parameter]]: A list of tuples containing the Parameter

list[Parameter | Basic] | list[tuple[Parameter | Basic, ...]]

instance of each of the primitive blocks in the circuit or, if the flatten

list[Parameter | Basic] | list[tuple[Parameter | Basic, ...]]

flag is set to True, a flattened list of all circuit parameters

Source code in qadence/
def parameters(self) -> list[Parameter | Basic] | list[tuple[Parameter | Basic, ...]]:
    """Extract all parameters for primitive blocks in the circuit.

    Notice that this function returns all the unique Parameters used
    in the quantum circuit. These can correspond to constants too.

        List[tuple[Parameter]]: A list of tuples containing the Parameter
        instance of each of the primitive blocks in the circuit or, if the `flatten`
        flag is set to True, a flattened list of all circuit parameters
    return parameters(self.block)