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Quantum Registers

Register(support, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE)

A register of qubits including 2D coordinates.

Instantiating the Register class directly is only recommended for building custom registers. For most uses where a predefined lattice is desired it is recommended to use the various class methods available, e.g. Register.triangular_lattice.


A NetworkX graph or number of qubits. Nodes can include a "pos" attribute such that e.g.: graph.nodes = {0: {"pos": (2,3)}, 1: {"pos": (0,0)}, ...} which will be used in backends that need qubit coordinates. Passing a number of qubits calls Register.all_to_all(n_qubits).

TYPE: Graph | int


Value set as the distance between the two closest qubits. The spacing argument is also available for all the class method constructors.

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: 1.0


from qadence import Register

reg_all = Register.all_to_all(n_qubits = 4)
reg_line = Register.line(n_qubits = 4)
reg_circle = = 4)
reg_squre = Register.square(qubits_side = 2)
reg_rect = Register.rectangular_lattice(qubits_row = 2, qubits_col = 2)
reg_triang = Register.triangular_lattice(n_cells_row = 2, n_cells_col = 2)
reg_honey = Register.honeycomb_lattice(n_cells_row = 2, n_cells_col = 2)

Source code in qadence/
def __init__(
    support: nx.Graph | int,
    spacing: float | None = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
    A register of qubits including 2D coordinates.

    Instantiating the Register class directly is only recommended for building custom registers.
    For most uses where a predefined lattice is desired it is recommended to use the various
    class methods available, e.g. `Register.triangular_lattice`.

        support: A NetworkX graph or number of qubits. Nodes can include a `"pos"` attribute
            such that e.g.: `graph.nodes = {0: {"pos": (2,3)}, 1: {"pos": (0,0)}, ...}` which
            will be used in backends that need qubit coordinates. Passing a number of qubits
            calls `Register.all_to_all(n_qubits)`.
        spacing: Value set as the distance between the two closest qubits. The spacing
            argument is also available for all the class method constructors.

    ```python exec="on" source="material-block"
    from qadence import Register

    reg_all = Register.all_to_all(n_qubits = 4)
    reg_line = Register.line(n_qubits = 4)
    reg_circle = = 4)
    reg_squre = Register.square(qubits_side = 2)
    reg_rect = Register.rectangular_lattice(qubits_row = 2, qubits_col = 2)
    reg_triang = Register.triangular_lattice(n_cells_row = 2, n_cells_col = 2)
    reg_honey = Register.honeycomb_lattice(n_cells_row = 2, n_cells_col = 2)
    if device_specs is not None and not isinstance(device_specs, RydbergDevice):
        raise ValueError("Device specs are not valid. Please pass a `RydbergDevice` instance.")

    self.device_specs = device_specs

    self.graph = support if isinstance(support, nx.Graph) else alltoall_graph(support)

    if spacing is not None and self.min_distance != 0.0:
        _scale_node_positions(self.graph, self.min_distance, spacing)

all_node_pairs property

Return a list of all possible qubit pairs in the register.

coords property

Return the dictionary of qubit coordinates.

distances property

Return a dictionary of distances for all qubit pairs in the register.

edge_distances property

Return a dictionary of distances for the qubit pairs that are.

connected by an edge in the underlying NetworkX graph.

edges property

Return the EdgeView of the underlying NetworkX graph.

min_distance property

Return the minimum distance between two qubts in the register.

n_qubits property

Total number of qubits in the register.

nodes property

Return the NodeView of the underlying NetworkX graph.

support property

Return the set of qubits in the register.

all_to_all(n_qubits, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a register with an all-to-all connectivity graph.

The graph is projected onto a 2D space and the qubit coordinates are set using a spring layout algorithm.


Total number of qubits.

TYPE: int

Source code in qadence/
def all_to_all(
    n_qubits: int,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a register with an all-to-all connectivity graph.

    The graph is projected
    onto a 2D space and the qubit coordinates are set using a spring layout algorithm.

        n_qubits: Total number of qubits.
    return cls(alltoall_graph(n_qubits), spacing, device_specs)

circle(n_qubits, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a circle register.


Total number of qubits.

TYPE: int

Source code in qadence/
def circle(
    n_qubits: int,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a circle register.

        n_qubits: Total number of qubits.
    graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(n_qubits, 1, periodic=True)
    graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, {(i, 0): i for i in range(n_qubits)})
    coords = nx.circular_layout(graph)
    values = {i: {"pos": pos} for i, pos in coords.items()}
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph, values)
    return cls(graph, spacing, device_specs)


Draw the underlying NetworkX graph representing the register.

Source code in qadence/
def draw(self, show: bool = True) -> None:
    """Draw the underlying NetworkX graph representing the register."""
    coords = {i: n["pos"] for i, n in self.graph.nodes.items()}
    nx.draw(self.graph, with_labels=True, pos=coords)
    if show:

from_coordinates(coords, lattice=LatticeTopology.ARBITRARY, spacing=None, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a register from a list of qubit coordinates.

Each node is added to the underlying graph with the respective coordinates, but the edges are left empty.


List of qubit coordinate tuples.

TYPE: list[tuple]

Source code in qadence/
def from_coordinates(
    coords: list[tuple],
    lattice: LatticeTopology | str = LatticeTopology.ARBITRARY,
    spacing: float | None = None,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a register from a list of qubit coordinates.

    Each node is added to the underlying
    graph with the respective coordinates, but the edges are left empty.

        coords: List of qubit coordinate tuples.
    graph = nx.Graph()
    for i, pos in enumerate(coords):
        graph.add_node(i, pos=pos)
    return cls(graph, spacing, device_specs)

honeycomb_lattice(n_cells_row, n_cells_col, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a honeycomb lattice register.

Each cell is an hexagon made up of six qubits.


Number of cells in each row.

TYPE: int


Number of cells in each column.

TYPE: int

Source code in qadence/
def honeycomb_lattice(
    n_cells_row: int,
    n_cells_col: int,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a honeycomb lattice register.

    Each cell is an hexagon made up of six qubits.

        n_cells_row: Number of cells in each row.
        n_cells_col: Number of cells in each column.
    graph = nx.hexagonal_lattice_graph(n_cells_row, n_cells_col)
    graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, {(i, j): k for k, (i, j) in enumerate(graph.nodes)})
    return cls(graph, spacing, device_specs)

line(n_qubits, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a line register.


Total number of qubits.

TYPE: int

Source code in qadence/
def line(
    n_qubits: int,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a line register.

        n_qubits: Total number of qubits.
    return cls(line_graph(n_qubits), spacing, device_specs)


Rescale the coordinates of all qubits in the register.


Scaling value.

TYPE: float

Source code in qadence/
def rescale_coords(self, scaling: float) -> Register:
    Rescale the coordinates of all qubits in the register.

        scaling: Scaling value.
    g = deepcopy(self.graph)
    _scale_node_positions(g, min_distance=1.0, spacing=scaling)
    return Register(g, spacing=None, device_specs=self.device_specs)

square(qubits_side, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a square register.


Number of qubits on one side of the square.

TYPE: int

Source code in qadence/
def square(
    qubits_side: int,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a square register.

        qubits_side: Number of qubits on one side of the square.
    n_points = 4 * (qubits_side - 1)

    def gen_points() -> np.ndarray:
        rotate_left = np.array([[0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
        increment = np.array([0.0, 1.0])

        points = [np.array([0.0, 0.0])]
        counter = 1
        while len(points) < n_points:
            points.append(points[-1] + increment)

            counter = (counter + 1) % qubits_side
            if counter == 0:
                increment =
                counter = 1
        points = np.array(points)  # type: ignore[assignment]
        points -= np.mean(points, axis=0)

        return points  # type: ignore[return-value]

    graph = nx.grid_2d_graph(n_points, 1, periodic=True)
    graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, {(i, 0): i for i in range(n_points)})
    values = {i: {"pos": point} for i, point in zip(graph.nodes, gen_points())}
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph, values)
    return cls(graph, spacing, device_specs)

triangular_lattice(n_cells_row, n_cells_col, spacing=1.0, device_specs=DEFAULT_DEVICE) classmethod

Build a triangular lattice register.

Each cell is a triangle made up of three qubits.


Number of cells in each row.

TYPE: int


Number of cells in each column.

TYPE: int

Source code in qadence/
def triangular_lattice(
    n_cells_row: int,
    n_cells_col: int,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
    device_specs: RydbergDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE,
) -> Register:
    Build a triangular lattice register.

    Each cell is a triangle made up of three qubits.

        n_cells_row: Number of cells in each row.
        n_cells_col: Number of cells in each column.
    return cls(triangular_lattice_graph(n_cells_row, n_cells_col), spacing, device_specs)