Digital-Analog Quantum Computation
Digital-analog quantum computation (DAQC) is a universal quantum computing paradigm1, based on two primary computations:
- Fast single-qubit operations (digital).
- Multi-partite entangling operations acting on all qubits (analog).
The DAQC paradigm is typically implemented on quantum computing hardware based on neutral-atoms where both these computations are realizable.
Digital-Analog Emulation
Qadence simplifies the execution of DAQC programs on either emulated or real neutral-atom devices
by providing a simplified interface for customizing interactions and interfacing
with pulse-level programming in Pulser
Digital-Analog Transformation
Furthermore, the essence of digital-analog computation is the ability to represent any analog operation, i.e. any arbitrary Hamiltonian, using an auxiliary device-amenable Hamiltonian, such as the ubiquitous Ising model2. This is at the core of the DAQC implementation in Qadence.
Dodd et al., Universal quantum computation and simulation using any entangling Hamiltonian and local unitaries, PRA 65, 040301 (2002). ↩
Pulser: An open-source package for the design of pulse sequences in programmable neutral-atom arrays ↩
Parra-Rodriguez et al., Digital-Analog Quantum Computation, PRA 101, 022305 (2020). ↩