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Digital-Analog Quantum Computation

Digital-analog quantum computation (DAQC) is a universal quantum computing paradigm1, based on two primary computations:

  • Fast single-qubit operations (digital).
  • Multi-partite entangling operations acting on all qubits (analog).

The DAQC paradigm is typically implemented on quantum computing hardware based on neutral-atoms where both these computations are realizable.

Digital-Analog Emulation

Qadence simplifies the execution of DAQC programs on either emulated or real neutral-atom devices by providing a simplified interface for customizing interactions and interfacing with pulse-level programming in Pulser3.

Digital-Analog Transformation

Furthermore, the essence of digital-analog computation is the ability to represent any analog operation, i.e. any arbitrary Hamiltonian, using an auxiliary device-amenable Hamiltonian, such as the ubiquitous Ising model2. This is at the core of the DAQC implementation in Qadence.
