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Pulse-level programming with Pulser

Qadence offers a direct interface with Pulser1, an open-source pulse-level interface written in Python and specifically designed for programming neutral atom quantum computers.

Using directly Pulser requires deep knowledge on pulse-level programming and on how neutral atom devices work. Qadence abstracts this complexity out by using the familiar block-based interface for building pulse sequences in Pulser while leaving the possibility to directly manipulate them if required by, for instance, optimal pulse shaping.


The Pulser backend is still experimental and the interface might change in the future.

Let's see it in action.

Default qubit interaction

When simulating pulse sequences written using Pulser, the underlying Hamiltonian it constructs is equivalent to a digital-analog quantum computing program with the following interaction Hamiltonian (see digital-analog emulation for more details):

\[ \mathcal{H}_{int} = \sum_{i<j} \frac{C_6}{|R_i - R_j|^6} \hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j \]

where \(C_6\) is an interaction coefficient which depends on the principal quantum number of chosen the neutral atom system, \(R_i\) are the atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates and \(\hat{n} = \frac{1-\sigma^z_i}{2}\) is the number operator.


The Ising interaction is always-on for all computations performed with the Pulser backend. It cannot be switched off.

Available quantum operations

Currently, the Pulser backend supports the following operations:

gate description trainable parameter
RX, RY Single qubit rotations. Notice that the interaction is on and this affects the resulting gate fidelity. rotation angle
AnalogRX, AnalogRY, AnalogRZ Span a single qubit rotation among the entire register. rotation angle
entangle Fully entangle the register. interaction time
wait An idle block to wait for the system to evolve for a specific time according to the interaction. free evolution time

Two qubits register: Bell state

Using the chain block makes it easy to create a gate sequence. Here is an example of how to create a Bell state. The entangle operation uses CZ interactions (according to the interaction Hamiltonian introduced in the first paragraph of this section) to entangle states on the X basis. We move the qubits back to the Z basis for the readout using a Y rotation.

from qadence import chain, entangle, RY

bell_state = chain(
   entangle("t", qubit_support=(0,1)),
   RY(0, "y"),

To convert the chain block into a pulse sequence, we define a Register with two qubits and combine it to create a circuit as usual. Then we construct a QuantumModel with a Pulser backend to convert it into a proper parametrized pulse sequence. Supplying the parameter values allows to sample from the pulse sequence result like any other Qadence backend.

import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qadence import Register, QuantumCircuit, QuantumModel

register = Register(2)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(register, bell_state)
model = QuantumModel(circuit, backend="pulser", diff_mode="gpsr")

params = {
    "t": torch.tensor([383]),  # ns
    "y": torch.tensor([3*torch.pi/2]),

# return the final state vector
final_vector =

# sample from the result state vector and plot the distribution
sample = model.sample(params, n_shots=50)[0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(), sample.values())
tensor([[-0.7080-0.0207j, 0.0395+0.3061j, 0.0039-0.0540j, 0.6220-0.1151j]]) Counter({'00': 27, '11': 18, '01': 5}) 2023-10-11T00:24:30.139042 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.7.3,

One can visualise the pulse sequence with different parameters using the assign_paramters method.

2023-10-11T00:24:30.194701 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.7.3,

Change device specifications

At variance with other backends, the Pulser one provides the concept of Device, inherited from the Pulser. Check this tutorial for more information.

A Device instance encapsulates all the properties for the definition of a real neutral atoms processor, including but not limited to the maximum laser amplitude for the pulses, the maximum distance between two qubits and the maximum duration of the pulse.

Qadence offers a simplified interface with only two devices which are detailed here:

  • IDEALIZED (default): ideal device which should be used only for testing purposes. It does not have any limitation in what pulse sequences can run with it.
  • REALISTIC: device specification very similar to a real neutral atom quantum processor.


If you want to perform simulations closer to the specifications of real neutral atom machines, always select the REALISTIC device.

One can use the Configuration of the Pulser backend to select the appropriate device:

from qadence.backends.pulser.devices import Device

register = Register(2)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(register, bell_state)

# choose a realistic device
model = QuantumModel(
    configuration={"device_type": Device.REALISTIC}

params = {
    "t": torch.tensor([383]),  # ns
    "y": torch.tensor([3*torch.pi/2]),

# sample from the result state vector and plot the distribution
sample = model.sample(params, n_shots=50)[0]
Counter({'00': 26, '01': 18, '11': 6})

Create your own gate

A big advantage of using the block-based interface if Qadence is that it makes it easy to create complex operations from simple ones as a block composition. In the following, we use the entanglement operation as an example.

The operation consists of moving all the qubits to the X basis having the atoms' interaction perform a controlled-Z operation during the free evolution. And we can easily recreate this pattern using the wait (corresponding to free evolution) and AnalogRY blocks with appropriate parameters.

from qadence import AnalogRY, chain, wait

def my_entanglement(duration):
    return chain(
        AnalogRY(-torch.pi / 2),

protocol = chain(
   RY(0, "y"),

register = Register(2)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(register, protocol)
model = QuantumModel(circuit, backend="pulser", diff_mode='gpsr')

params = {
    "t": torch.tensor([383]),  # ns
    "y": torch.tensor([torch.pi / 2]),

sample = model.sample(params, n_shots=50)[0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(), sample.values())
2023-10-11T00:24:30.439608 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.7.3,

Digital-analog QNN circuit

Finally, let's put all together by constructing a digital-analog version of a quantum neural network circuit with feature map and variational ansatz.

from qadence import kron, fourier_feature_map
from qadence.operations import RX, RY, AnalogRX

hea_one_layer = chain(
    kron(RY(0, "th00"), RY(1, "th01")),
    kron(RX(0, "th10"), RX(1, "th11")),
    kron(RY(0, "th20"), RY(1, "th21")),
    entangle("t", qubit_support=(0,1)),

protocol = chain(
    fourier_feature_map(1, param="x"),

register = Register(2)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(register, protocol)
model = QuantumModel(circuit, backend="pulser", diff_mode="gpsr")

params = {
    "x": torch.tensor([0.8]), # rad
    "t": torch.tensor([900]), # ns
    "th00":  torch.rand(1), # rad
    "th01":  torch.rand(1), # rad
    "th10":  torch.rand(1), # rad
    "th11":  torch.rand(1), # rad
    "th20":  torch.rand(1), # rad
    "th21":  torch.rand(1), # rad

model.assign_parameters(params).draw(draw_phase_area=True, show=True)
2023-10-11T00:24:41.298444 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.7.3,
