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Contains functions that operate on blocks and circuits to transpile them to new blocks/circuits.


AbstractBlock or QuantumCircuit transpilation. Compose functions that accept a circuit/block and returns a circuit/block.


composable functions that either map blocks to blocks (Callable[[AbstractBlock], AbstractBlock]) or circuits to circuits (Callable[[QuantumCircuit], QuantumCircuit]).

TYPE: Callable DEFAULT: ()


Composed function.


Flatten a block of nested chains and krons:

from qadence import *
from qadence.transpile import transpile, flatten, scale_primitive_blocks_only

b = chain(2 * chain(chain(X(0), Y(0))), kron(kron(X(0), X(1))))

# both flatten and scale_primitive_blocks_only are functions that accept and
# return a block
t = transpile(flatten, scale_primitive_blocks_only)(b)
├── [mul: 2] 
   └── ChainBlock(0)
       └── ChainBlock(0)
           ├── X(0)
           └── Y(0)
└── KronBlock(0,1)
    └── KronBlock(0,1)
        ├── X(0)
        └── X(1)

├── [mul: 2.00000000000000] 
   └── X(0)
├── Y(0)
└── KronBlock(0,1)
    ├── X(0)
    └── X(1)

We also proved a decorator to easily turn a function Callable[[AbstractBlock], AbstractBlock] into a Callable[[QuantumCircuit], QuantumCircuit] to be used in circuit transpilation.

from qadence import *
from qadence.transpile import transpile, blockfn_to_circfn, flatten

# We want to pass this circuit to `transpile` instead of a block,
# so we need functions that map from a circuit to a circuit.
circ = QuantumCircuit(2, chain(chain(X(0), chain(X(1)))))

def fn(block):
    # un-decorated function accepts a block and returns a block
    return block * block

transp = transpile(
    # the decorated function accepts a circuit and returns a circuit
    # already existing functions can also be decorated
├── ChainBlock(0,1)
   ├── X(0)
   └── X(1)
└── ChainBlock(0,1)
    ├── X(0)
    └── X(1)

Source code in qadence/transpile/
def transpile(*fs: Callable) -> Callable:
    """`AbstractBlock` or `QuantumCircuit` transpilation. Compose functions that
    accept a circuit/block and returns a circuit/block.

        *fs: composable functions that either map blocks to blocks
            (`Callable[[AbstractBlock], AbstractBlock]`)
            or circuits to circuits (`Callable[[QuantumCircuit], QuantumCircuit]`).

        Composed function.


    Flatten a block of nested chains and krons:
    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence import *
    from qadence.transpile import transpile, flatten, scale_primitive_blocks_only

    b = chain(2 * chain(chain(X(0), Y(0))), kron(kron(X(0), X(1))))
    print() # markdown-exec: hide

    # both flatten and scale_primitive_blocks_only are functions that accept and
    # return a block
    t = transpile(flatten, scale_primitive_blocks_only)(b)

    We also proved a decorator to easily turn a function `Callable[[AbstractBlock], AbstractBlock]`
    into a `Callable[[QuantumCircuit], QuantumCircuit]` to be used in circuit transpilation.
    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence import *
    from qadence.transpile import transpile, blockfn_to_circfn, flatten

    # We want to pass this circuit to `transpile` instead of a block,
    # so we need functions that map from a circuit to a circuit.
    circ = QuantumCircuit(2, chain(chain(X(0), chain(X(1)))))

    def fn(block):
        # un-decorated function accepts a block and returns a block
        return block * block

    transp = transpile(
        # the decorated function accepts a circuit and returns a circuit
        # already existing functions can also be decorated
    return lambda x: reduce(lambda acc, f: f(acc), reversed(fs), x)


Transpile a chain of krons into a kron of chains of single qubit operations.


from qadence import hea
from qadence.transpile.block import chain_single_qubit_ops

# Consider a single HEA layer
block = hea(2,1)

# After applying chain_single_qubit_ops, we get:
ChainBlock(0,1) [tag: HEA]
├── ChainBlock(0,1)
   ├── KronBlock(0,1)
      ├── RX(0) [params: ['theta_0']]
      └── RX(1) [params: ['theta_1']]
   ├── KronBlock(0,1)
      ├── RY(0) [params: ['theta_2']]
      └── RY(1) [params: ['theta_3']]
   └── KronBlock(0,1)
       ├── RX(0) [params: ['theta_4']]
       └── RX(1) [params: ['theta_5']]
└── ChainBlock(0,1)
    └── KronBlock(0,1)
        └── CNOT(0,1)
├── KronBlock(0,1)
   ├── ChainBlock(0)
      ├── RX(0) [params: ['theta_0']]
      ├── RY(0) [params: ['theta_2']]
      └── RX(0) [params: ['theta_4']]
   └── ChainBlock(1)
       ├── RX(1) [params: ['theta_1']]
       ├── RY(1) [params: ['theta_3']]
       └── RX(1) [params: ['theta_5']]
└── ChainBlock(0,1)
    └── KronBlock(0,1)
        └── CNOT(0,1)

Source code in qadence/transpile/
def chain_single_qubit_ops(block: AbstractBlock) -> AbstractBlock:
    """Transpile a chain of krons into a kron of chains of single qubit operations.

    ```python exec="on" source="above" result="json"
    from qadence import hea
    from qadence.transpile.block import chain_single_qubit_ops

    # Consider a single HEA layer
    block = hea(2,1)

    # After applying chain_single_qubit_ops, we get:
    if is_chain_of_primitivekrons(block):
            return kron(*map(lambda bs: chain(*bs), zip(*block)))  # type: ignore[misc]
        except Exception as e:
                f"Unable to transpile {block} using chain_single_qubit_ops\
                         due to {e}. Returning original circuit."
            return block

    elif isinstance(block, CompositeBlock):
        return _construct(type(block), tuple(chain_single_qubit_ops(b) for b in block.blocks))
        return block

flatten(block, types=[ChainBlock, KronBlock, AddBlock])

Flattens the given types of CompositeBlocks if possible.


from qadence import chain, kron, X
from qadence.transpile import flatten
from qadence.blocks import ChainBlock, KronBlock, AddBlock

x = chain(chain(chain(X(0))), kron(kron(X(0))))

# flatten only `ChainBlock`s
assert flatten(x, [ChainBlock]) == chain(X(0), kron(kron(X(0))))

# flatten `ChainBlock`s and `KronBlock`s
assert flatten(x, [ChainBlock, KronBlock]) == chain(X(0), kron(X(0)))

# flatten `AddBlock`s (does nothing in this case)
assert flatten(x, [AddBlock]) == x

Source code in qadence/transpile/
def flatten(block: AbstractBlock, types: list = [ChainBlock, KronBlock, AddBlock]) -> AbstractBlock:
    """Flattens the given types of `CompositeBlock`s if possible.

    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence import chain, kron, X
    from qadence.transpile import flatten
    from qadence.blocks import ChainBlock, KronBlock, AddBlock

    x = chain(chain(chain(X(0))), kron(kron(X(0))))

    # flatten only `ChainBlock`s
    assert flatten(x, [ChainBlock]) == chain(X(0), kron(kron(X(0))))

    # flatten `ChainBlock`s and `KronBlock`s
    assert flatten(x, [ChainBlock, KronBlock]) == chain(X(0), kron(X(0)))

    # flatten `AddBlock`s (does nothing in this case)
    assert flatten(x, [AddBlock]) == x
    if isinstance(block, CompositeBlock):

        def fn(b: AbstractBlock, T: Type) -> AbstractBlock:
            return _construct(type(block), tuple(_flat_blocks(b, T)))

        return reduce(fn, types, block)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    elif isinstance(block, ScaleBlock):
        blk = deepcopy(block)
        blk.block = flatten(block.block, types=types)
        return blk
        return block

scale_primitive_blocks_only(block, scale=None)

When given a scaled CompositeBlock consisting of several PrimitiveBlocks, move the scale all the way down into the leaves of the block tree.


The block to be transpiled.

TYPE: AbstractBlock


An optional scale parameter. Only to be used for recursive calls internally.



A block of the same type where the scales have been moved into the subblocks.

TYPE: AbstractBlock


There are two different cases: ChainBlocks/KronBlocks: Only the first subblock needs to be scaled because chains/krons represent multiplications.

from qadence import chain, X, RX
from qadence.transpile import scale_primitive_blocks_only
b = 2 * chain(X(0), RX(0, "theta"))
# After applying scale_primitive_blocks_only
[mul: 2] 
└── ChainBlock(0)
    ├── X(0)
    └── RX(0) [params: ['theta']]
├── [mul: 2.00000000000000] 
   └── X(0)
└── RX(0) [params: ['theta']]

AddBlocks: Consider 2 * add(X(0), RX(0, "theta")). The scale needs to be added to all subblocks. We get add(2 * X(0), 2 * RX(0, "theta")).

from qadence import add, X, RX
from qadence.transpile import scale_primitive_blocks_only
b = 2 * add(X(0), RX(0, "theta"))
# After applying scale_primitive_blocks_only
[mul: 2] 
└── AddBlock(0)
    ├── X(0)
    └── RX(0) [params: ['theta']]
├── [mul: 2.00000000000000] 
   └── X(0)
└── [mul: 2.00000000000000] 
    └── RX(0) [params: ['theta']]

Source code in qadence/transpile/
def scale_primitive_blocks_only(block: AbstractBlock, scale: sympy.Basic = None) -> AbstractBlock:
    """When given a scaled CompositeBlock consisting of several PrimitiveBlocks,
    move the scale all the way down into the leaves of the block tree.

        block: The block to be transpiled.
        scale: An optional scale parameter. Only to be used for recursive calls internally.

        AbstractBlock: A block of the same type where the scales have been moved into the subblocks.


    There are two different cases:
    `ChainBlock`s/`KronBlock`s: Only the first subblock needs to be scaled because chains/krons
    represent multiplications.
    ```python exec="on" source="above" result="json"
    from qadence import chain, X, RX
    from qadence.transpile import scale_primitive_blocks_only
    b = 2 * chain(X(0), RX(0, "theta"))
    # After applying scale_primitive_blocks_only

    `AddBlock`s: Consider 2 * add(X(0), RX(0, "theta")).  The scale needs to be added to all
    subblocks.  We get add(2 * X(0), 2 * RX(0, "theta")).
    ```python exec="on" source="above" result="json"
    from qadence import add, X, RX
    from qadence.transpile import scale_primitive_blocks_only
    b = 2 * add(X(0), RX(0, "theta"))
    # After applying scale_primitive_blocks_only
    raise NotImplementedError(f"scale_primitive_blocks_only is not implemented for {type(block)}")

set_trainable(blocks, value=True, inplace=True)

Set the trainability of all parameters in a block to a given value


Block or list of blocks for which to set the trainable attribute

TYPE: AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock]


The value of the trainable attribute to assign to the input blocks

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


Whether to modify the block(s) in place or not. Currently, only

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


if the inplace argument is set to False, the function will raise this exception

AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock]

AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock]: the input block or list of blocks with the trainable attribute set to the given value

Source code in qadence/transpile/
def set_trainable(
    blocks: AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock], value: bool = True, inplace: bool = True
) -> AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock]:
    """Set the trainability of all parameters in a block to a given value

        blocks (AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock]): Block or list of blocks for which
            to set the trainable attribute
        value (bool, optional): The value of the trainable attribute to assign to the input blocks
        inplace (bool, optional): Whether to modify the block(s) in place or not. Currently, only

        NotImplementedError: if the `inplace` argument is set to False, the function will
            raise  this exception

        AbstractBlock | list[AbstractBlock]: the input block or list of blocks with the trainable
            attribute set to the given value

    if isinstance(blocks, AbstractBlock):
        blocks = [blocks]

    if inplace:
        for block in blocks:
            params: list[sympy.Basic] = parameters(block)
            for p in params:
                if not p.is_number:
                    p.trainable = value
        raise NotImplementedError("Not inplace set_trainable is not yet available")

    return blocks if len(blocks) > 1 else blocks[0]


Moves a block from global to local qubit numbers by adding PutBlocks and reassigning qubit locations approriately.


from qadence.blocks import chain
from qadence.operations import X
from qadence.transpile import validate

x = chain(chain(X(0)), chain(X(1)))
├── ChainBlock(0)
   └── X(0)
└── ChainBlock(1)
    └── X(1)
├── put on (0)
   └── ChainBlock(0)
       └── put on (0)
           └── X(0)
└── put on (1)
    └── ChainBlock(0)
        └── put on (0)
            └── X(0)
Source code in qadence/transpile/
def validate(block: AbstractBlock) -> AbstractBlock:
    """Moves a block from global to local qubit numbers by adding PutBlocks and reassigning
    qubit locations approriately.

    # Example
    ```python exec="on" source="above" result="json"
    from qadence.blocks import chain
    from qadence.operations import X
    from qadence.transpile import validate

    x = chain(chain(X(0)), chain(X(1)))
    vblock: AbstractBlock
    from qadence.transpile import reassign

    if isinstance(block, ControlBlock):
        vblock = deepcopy(block)
        b: AbstractBlock
        (b,) = block.blocks
        b = reassign(b, {i: i - min(b.qubit_support) for i in b.qubit_support})
        b = validate(b)
        vblock.blocks = (b,)  # type: ignore[assignment]

    elif isinstance(block, CompositeBlock):
        blocks = []
        for b in block.blocks:
            mi, ma = min(b.qubit_support), max(b.qubit_support)
            nb = reassign(b, {i: i - min(b.qubit_support) for i in b.qubit_support})
            nb = validate(nb)
            nb = PutBlock(nb, tuple(range(mi, ma + 1)))
            vblock = _construct(type(block), tuple(blocks))
        except AssertionError as e:
            if str(e) == "Make sure blocks act on distinct qubits!":
                vblock = chain(*blocks)
                raise e

    elif isinstance(block, PrimitiveBlock):
        vblock = deepcopy(block)

        raise NotImplementedError

    vblock.tag = block.tag
    return vblock

add_interaction(x, *args, interaction=Interaction.NN, spacing=1.0)

Turns blocks or circuits into (a chain of) HamEvo blocks including a chosen interaction term.

This is a @singledipatched function which can be called in three ways:

  • With a QuantumCircuit which contains all necessary information: add_interaction(circuit)
  • With a Register and an AbstractBlock: add_interaction(reg, block)
  • With an AbstractBlock only: add_interaction(block)

See the section about analog blocks for detailed information about how which types of blocks are translated.


Circuit or block to be emulated. See the examples on which argument combinations are accepted.

TYPE: Register | QuantumCircuit | AbstractBlock


Type of interaction that is added. Can also be a function that accepts a register and a list of edges that define which qubits interact (see the examples).

TYPE: Interaction | Callable DEFAULT: NN


All qubit coordinates are multiplied by spacing.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 1.0


from qadence import QuantumCircuit, AnalogRX, add_interaction

c = QuantumCircuit(2, AnalogRX(2.0))
e = add_interaction(c)
[mul: 0.0] 
└── AddBlock(0,1)
    ├── AddBlock(0,1)
       └── AddBlock(0,1)
           ├── [mul: 1.571] 
              └── AddBlock(0,1)
                  ├── AddBlock(0)
                     ├── [mul: 1.00000000000000] 
                        └── X(0)
                     └── [mul: 0.0] 
                         └── Y(0)
                  └── AddBlock(1)
                      ├── [mul: 1.00000000000000] 
                         └── X(1)
                      └── [mul: 0.0] 
                          └── Y(1)
           └── [mul: 0.0] 
               └── AddBlock(0,1)
                   ├── N(0)
                   └── N(1)
    └── AddBlock(0,1)
        └── [mul: 865723.020] 
            └── KronBlock(0,1)
                ├── N(0)
                └── N(1)
You can also use add_interaction directly on a block, but you have to provide either the Register or define a non-global qubit support.
from qadence import AnalogRX, Register, add_interaction

b = AnalogRX(2.0)
r = Register(1)
e = add_interaction(r, b)

# or provide only the block with local qubit support
# in this case the register is created via `Register(b.n_qubits)`
e = add_interaction(AnalogRX(2.0, qubit_support=(0,)))
[mul: 0.450] 
└── AddBlock(0)
    └── AddBlock(0)
        ├── [mul: 1.571] 
           └── AddBlock(0)
               └── AddBlock(0)
                   ├── [mul: 1.00000000000000] 
                      └── X(0)
                   └── [mul: 0.0] 
                       └── Y(0)
        └── [mul: 0.0] 
            └── AddBlock(0)
                └── N(0)
[mul: 0.450] 
└── AddBlock(0)
    └── AddBlock(0)
        ├── [mul: 1.571] 
           └── AddBlock(0)
               └── AddBlock(0)
                   ├── [mul: 1.00000000000000] 
                      └── X(0)
                   └── [mul: 0.0] 
                       └── Y(0)
        └── [mul: 0.0] 
            └── AddBlock(0)
                └── N(0)
You can specify a custom interaction function which has to accept a Register and a list of edges: list[tuple[int, int]]:
from qadence import AnalogRX, Register, add_interaction
from qadence.transpile.emulate import ising_interaction

def int_fn(r: Register, pairs: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> AbstractBlock:
    # do either something completely custom
    # ...
    # or e.g. change the default kwargs to `ising_interaction`
    return ising_interaction(r, pairs, rydberg_level=70)

b = AnalogRX(2.0)
r = Register(1)
e = add_interaction(r, b, interaction=int_fn)

Source code in qadence/transpile/
def add_interaction(
    x: Register | QuantumCircuit | AbstractBlock,
    *args: Any,
    interaction: Interaction | Callable = Interaction.NN,
    spacing: float = 1.0,
) -> QuantumCircuit | AbstractBlock:
    """Turns blocks or circuits into (a chain of) `HamEvo` blocks including a
    chosen interaction term.

    This is a `@singledipatch`ed function which can be called in three ways:

    * With a `QuantumCircuit` which contains all necessary information: `add_interaction(circuit)`
    * With a `Register` and an `AbstractBlock`: `add_interaction(reg, block)`
    * With an `AbstractBlock` only: `add_interaction(block)`

    See the section about [analog blocks](/digital_analog_qc/ for
    detailed information about how which types of blocks are translated.

        x: Circuit or block to be emulated. See the examples on which argument
            combinations are accepted.
        interaction: Type of interaction that is added. Can also be a function that accepts a
            register and a list of edges that define which qubits interact (see the examples).
        spacing: All qubit coordinates are multiplied by `spacing`.

    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence import QuantumCircuit, AnalogRX, add_interaction

    c = QuantumCircuit(2, AnalogRX(2.0))
    e = add_interaction(c)
    print(str(e.block.generator)) # markdown-exec: hide
    You can also use `add_interaction` directly on a block, but you have to provide either
    the `Register` or define a non-global qubit support.
    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence import AnalogRX, Register, add_interaction

    b = AnalogRX(2.0)
    r = Register(1)
    e = add_interaction(r, b)
    print(e.generator) # markdown-exec: hide

    # or provide only the block with local qubit support
    # in this case the register is created via `Register(b.n_qubits)`
    e = add_interaction(AnalogRX(2.0, qubit_support=(0,)))
    You can specify a custom `interaction` function which has to accept a `Register` and a list
    of `edges: list[tuple[int, int]]`:
    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence import AnalogRX, Register, add_interaction
    from qadence.transpile.emulate import ising_interaction

    def int_fn(r: Register, pairs: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> AbstractBlock:
        # do either something completely custom
        # ...
        # or e.g. change the default kwargs to `ising_interaction`
        return ising_interaction(r, pairs, rydberg_level=70)

    b = AnalogRX(2.0)
    r = Register(1)
    e = add_interaction(r, b, interaction=int_fn)
    raise ValueError(f"`add_interaction` is not implemented for {type(x)}")