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Hardware efficient ansatz with restricted addressability

Qadence simplifies the execution of digital-analog workloads on neutral atom quantum computers where the local addressability is restricted.

In this regime, which we will refer to as semi-local addressing, the full Hamiltonian of the qubit system realized with neutral atoms comprises the following terms:

\[ \mathcal{H} = \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{global}} + \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{int}} + \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{local}} \]

The first two terms are the standard components of a neutral atom Hamiltonians and read as follows:

$$ \mathcal{H}{\textrm{global}} = \frac{\Omega}{2}\sum{i}^N \left( \textrm{cos}(\phi)\sigma^x_i - \textrm{sin}(\phi)\sigma^y_i \right) - \delta \sum_{i}^N \hat{n}i \ \mathcal{H}{\textrm{int}} = \sum_{i<j} \frac{C_6}{|R_i - R_j|^6} \hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j $$ where \(\Omega\) is the Rabi frequency, \(\phi\) the global phase, \(\delta\) the detuning which can all be time-dependent (here omitted for simplicity). The operator \(\hat{n}_i = \frac{1+\sigma_i^z}{2}\) is the occupation operator for the Rydberg state. \(R_i\) represents instead the spatial coordinates of the i-th qubit.

The local addressability term reads instead:

\[ \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{local}}(w^{drv}, w^{det}) = \frac{\tilde{\Omega}}{2}\sum_{i}^N w_i^{drv}\left(\textrm{cos}(\phi)\sigma^x_i - \textrm{sin}(\phi)\sigma^y_i \right) - \Delta \sum_{i}^N w_i^{det} \hat{n}_i \]

In this Hamiltonian, the local addressing pattern in both Rabi frequency and detuning is determined by the weights \(w^{drv} = \{w_i^{drv}\}\) and \(w^{det} = \{w_i^{det}\}\) respectively. These weights are assigned before starting the simulation and they should have a unit sum. Their action is to effectively modulate the amplitude of the local drive/detuning pulses given by \(\tilde{\Omega}\) and \(\Delta\) which are here considered time-independent for simplicity.

Qadence implements the Hamiltonian above in two different flavors of increasing complexity described below.

Circuit constructor

The rydberg_hea constructor routine allows to build a circuit instance implementing a basic version of the Hamiltonian evolution described above where both \(\Delta\) and \(\tilde{\Omega}\) coefficients are considered constants. Furthemore, no global drive and detuning are explicitly added to the Hamiltonian. Therefore, the final Hamiltonian generator of the circuit reads as follows:

\[ \matchcal{H} = \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{local}}(w^{drv}, w^{det}) + \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{int}} \]

This implementation does not perform any checks on the weights normalization, thus making it not realistic. This implies that global drive and detuning can be retrieved by appropriately choosing the weights.

You can easily create a Rydberg hardware efficient ansatz implementing multiple layers of the evolution generated by the local addressing Hamiltonian:

\[ \mathcal{H}_{evo} = \sum_j \mathcal{H}_{\textrm{local}}(w_{j}^{drv}, w_{j}^{det}) \]

Notice that in real-device implementation, one layer only is usually possible.

import qadence as qd
from qadence import rydberg_hea, rydberg_hea_layer

n_qubits = 4
n_layers = 2
register = qd.Register.line(n_qubits)

# ansatz constructor
# the evolution time is parametrized for each layer of the evolution
ansatz = rydberg_hea(
    n_layers=n_layers,  # number of subsequent layers of Hamiltonian evolution
    addressable_detuning=True,  # make the local detuning weights w_i^{det} as variational parameters
    addressable_drive=True, # make the local drive weights w_i^{drv} as variational parameters
    tunable_phase=True, # make the phase \phi as a variational parameter

# alternatively, a single ansatz layer can also be created for
# better flexibility

# these can be variational parameters
tevo_drive = 1.0  # evolution time for the locally addressed drive term
tevo_det = 1.0 # evolution time for the locally addressed detuning term
tevo_int = 1.0  # evolution time for the interaction term

# these can be list of variational parameters
weights_drive = [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25]
weights_det = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5]

ansatz_layer = rydberg_hea_layer(

This circuit constructor is meant to be used with fully differentiable backends such as PyQTorch and mainly for quick experimentation with neutral atom compatible ansatze.

Usage with digital-analog emulation

A full integration with the emulated digital-analog framework for realistic simulations is coming soon.