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Many application in quantum computing and quantum machine learning more specifically requires the differentiation of a quantum circuit with respect to its parameters.

In Qadence, we perform quantum computations via the QuantumModel interface. The derivative of the outputs of quantum models with respect to feature and variational parameters in the quantum circuit can be implemented in Qadence with two different modes:

  • Automatic differentiation (AD) mode 1. This mode allows to differentiation both run() and expectation() methods of the QuantumModel and it is the fastest available differentiation method. Under the hood, it is based on the PyTorch autograd engine wrapped by the DifferentiableBackend class. This mode is not working on quantum devices.
  • Generalized parameter shift rule (GPSR) mode. This is general implementation of the well known parameter shift rule algorithm 2 which works for arbitrary quantum operations 3. This mode is only applicable to the expectation() method of QuantumModel but it is compatible with execution or quantum devices.

Automatic differentiation

Automatic differentiation 1 is a procedure to derive a complex function defined as a sequence of elementary mathematical operations in the form of a computer program. Automatic differentiation is a cornerstone of modern machine learning and a crucial ingredient of its recent successes. In its so-called reverse mode, it follows this sequence of operations in reverse order by systematically applying the chain rule to recover the exact value of derivative. Reverse mode automatic differentiation is implemented in Qadence leveraging the PyTorch autograd engine.

Only available via the PyQTorch or Horqrux backends

Currently, automatic differentiation mode is only available when the pyqtorch or horqrux backends are selected.

Generalized parameter shift rule

The generalized parameter shift rule implementation in Qadence was introduced in 3. Here the standard parameter shift rules, which only works for quantum operations whose generator has a single gap in its eigenvalue spectrum, was generalized to work with arbitrary generators of quantum operations.

For this, we define the differentiable function as quantum expectation value

\[ f(x) = \left\langle 0\right|\hat{U}^{\dagger}(x)\hat{C}\hat{U}(x)\left|0\right\rangle \]

where \(\hat{U}(x)={\rm exp}{\left( -i\frac{x}{2}\hat{G}\right)}\) is the quantum evolution operator with generator \(\hat{G}\) representing the structure of the underlying quantum circuit and \(\hat{C}\) is the cost operator. Then using the eigenvalue spectrum \(\left\{ \lambda_n\right\}\) of the generator \(\hat{G}\) we calculate the full set of corresponding unique non-zero spectral gaps \(\left\{ \Delta_s\right\}\) (differences between eigenvalues). It can be shown that the final expression of derivative of \(f(x)\) is then given by the following expression:

\(\begin{equation} \frac{{\rm d}f\left(x\right)}{{\rm d}x}=\overset{S}{\underset{s=1}{\sum}}\Delta_{s}R_{s}, \end{equation}\)

where \(S\) is the number of unique non-zero spectral gaps and \(R_s\) are real quantities that are solutions of a system of linear equations

\(\begin{equation} \begin{cases} F_{1} & =4\overset{S}{\underset{s=1}{\sum}}{\rm sin}\left(\frac{\delta_{1}\Delta_{s}}{2}\right)R_{s},\\ F_{2} & =4\overset{S}{\underset{s=1}{\sum}}{\rm sin}\left(\frac{\delta_{2}\Delta_{s}}{2}\right)R_{s},\\ & ...\\ F_{S} & =4\overset{S}{\underset{s=1}{\sum}}{\rm sin}\left(\frac{\delta_{M}\Delta_{s}}{2}\right)R_{s}. \end{cases} \end{equation}\)

Here \(F_s=f(x+\delta_s)-f(x-\delta_s)\) denotes the difference between values of functions evaluated at shifted arguments \(x\pm\delta_s\).

Adjoint Differentiation

Qadence also offers a memory-efficient, non-device compatible alternative to automatic differentation, called 'Adjoint Differentiation' 4 and allows for precisely calculating the gradients of variational parameters in O(P) time and using O(1) state-vectors. Adjoint Differentation is currently only supported by the Torch Engine and allows for first-order derivatives only.



In Qadence, the differentiation modes can be selected via the diff_mode argument of the QuantumModel class. It either accepts a DiffMode(DiffMode.GSPR, DiffMode.AD or DiffMode.ADJOINT) or a string ("gpsr"", "ad" or "adjoint"). The code in the box below shows how to create QuantumModel instances with all available differentiation modes.

from qadence import (FeatureParameter, RX, Z, hea, chain,
                    hamiltonian_factory, QuantumCircuit,
                    QuantumModel, BackendName, DiffMode)
import torch

n_qubits = 2

# Define a symbolic parameter to differentiate with respect to
x = FeatureParameter("x")

block = chain(hea(n_qubits, 1), RX(0, x))

# create quantum circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n_qubits, block)

# create total magnetization cost operator
obs = hamiltonian_factory(n_qubits, detuning=Z)

# create models with AD, ADJOINT and GPSR differentiation engines
model_ad = QuantumModel(circuit, obs,
model_adjoint = QuantumModel(circuit, obs,
model_gpsr = QuantumModel(circuit, obs,

# Create concrete values for the parameter we want to differentiate with respect to
xs = torch.linspace(0, 2*torch.pi, 100, requires_grad=True)
values = {"x": xs}

# calculate function f(x)
exp_val_ad = model_ad.expectation(values)
exp_val_adjoint = model_adjoint.expectation(values)
exp_val_gpsr = model_gpsr.expectation(values)

# calculate derivative df/dx using the PyTorch
# autograd engine
dexpval_x_ad = torch.autograd.grad(
    exp_val_ad, values["x"], torch.ones_like(exp_val_ad), create_graph=True
dexpval_x_adjoint = torch.autograd.grad(
    exp_val_adjoint, values["x"], torch.ones_like(exp_val_ad), create_graph=True
dexpval_x_gpsr = torch.autograd.grad(
    exp_val_gpsr, values["x"], torch.ones_like(exp_val_gpsr), create_graph=True

We can plot the resulting derivatives and see that in both cases they coincide.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# plot f(x) and df/dx derivatives calculated using AD ,ADJOINT and GPSR
# differentiation engines
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
           label="df/dx AD")
           label="df/dx ADJOINT")
           label="df/dx GPSR")
2025-02-07T10:21:18.531668 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.10.0,

Low-level control on the shift values

In order to get a finer control over the GPSR differentiation engine we can use the low-level Qadence API to define a DifferentiableBackend.

from qadence.engines.torch import DifferentiableBackend
from qadence.backends.pyqtorch import Backend as PyQBackend

# define differentiable quantum backend
quantum_backend = PyQBackend()
conv = quantum_backend.convert(circuit, obs)
pyq_circ, pyq_obs, embedding_fn, params = conv
diff_backend = DifferentiableBackend(quantum_backend, diff_mode=DiffMode.GPSR, shift_prefac=0.2)

# calculate function f(x)
expval = diff_backend.expectation(pyq_circ, pyq_obs, embedding_fn(params, values))

Here we passed an additional argument shift_prefac to the DifferentiableBackend instance that governs the magnitude of shifts \(\delta\equiv\alpha\delta^\prime\) shown in equation (2) above. In this relation \(\delta^\prime\) is set internally and \(\alpha\) is the value passed by shift_prefac and the resulting shift value \(\delta\) is then used in all the following GPSR calculations.

Tuning parameter \(\alpha\) is useful to improve results when the generator \(\hat{G}\) or the quantum operation is a dense matrix, for example a complex HamEvo operation; if many entries of this matrix are sufficiently larger than 0 the operation is equivalent to a strongly interacting system. In such case parameter \(\alpha\) should be gradually lowered in order to achieve exact derivative values.

Low-level differentiation of qadence circuits using JAX

For users interested in using the JAX engine instead, we show how to run and differentiate qadence programs using the horqrux backend under qadence examples.
