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Qadence Types

TArray = Union[Iterable, Tensor, np.ndarray] module-attribute

Union of common array types.

TGenerator = Union[Tensor, sympy.Array, sympy.Basic] module-attribute

Union of torch tensors and numpy arrays.

TNumber = Union[int, float, complex, np.int64, np.float64] module-attribute

Union of python and numpy numeric types.

TParameter = Union[TNumber, Tensor, sympy.Basic, str] module-attribute

Union of numbers, tensors, and parameter types.


Bases: StrEnum

Hamiltonian Evolution algorithms that can be used by the backend.

EIG = 'EIG' class-attribute instance-attribute

Using Hamiltonian diagonalization.

EXP = 'EXP' class-attribute instance-attribute

Using torch.matrix_exp on the generator matrix.

RK4 = 'RK4' class-attribute instance-attribute

4th order Runge-Kutta approximation.


Bases: StrEnum

Type of noise protocol.


Bases: StrEnum

Ansatz types for variational circuits.

ALA = 'ala' class-attribute instance-attribute

Alternating Layer Ansatz.

HEA = 'hea' class-attribute instance-attribute

Hardware-efficient ansatz.

IIA = 'iia' class-attribute instance-attribute

Identity-Initialised Ansatz.


Bases: StrEnum

Basis set for feature maps.

CHEBYSHEV = 'Chebyshev' class-attribute instance-attribute

Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.

FOURIER = 'Fourier' class-attribute instance-attribute

Fourier basis set.


Bases: StrEnum

Supported types of devices for Pulser backend.

IDEALIZED = 'IdealDevice' class-attribute instance-attribute

Idealized device, least realistic.

REALISTIC = 'RealisticDevice' class-attribute instance-attribute

Device with realistic specs.


Bases: StrEnum

The endianness convention to use.

BIG = 'Big' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use Big endianness.

LITTLE = 'Little' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use little endianness.


Bases: StrEnum

DEFAULT = 'default' class-attribute instance-attribute

Default distribution execution.

TORCHRUN = 'torchrun' class-attribute instance-attribute

Torchrun based distribution execution.


Bases: StrEnum

MLFLOW = 'mlflow' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the ml-flow experiment tracker.

TENSORBOARD = 'tensorboard' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the tensorboard experiment tracker.


Bases: StrEnum

Available output formats for exporting visualized circuits to a file.

PDF = 'PDF' class-attribute instance-attribute

PDF format.

PNG = 'PNG' class-attribute instance-attribute

PNG format.

SVG = 'SVG' class-attribute instance-attribute

SVG format.


Bases: StrEnum

The type of interaction for the DAQC transform.

NN = 'NN' class-attribute instance-attribute


ZZ = 'ZZ' class-attribute instance-attribute



Bases: StrEnum

Derivative modes w.r.t inputs of UFAs.

AD = 'ad' class-attribute instance-attribute

Reverse automatic differentiation.

FD = 'fd' class-attribute instance-attribute

Central finite differencing.


Bases: StrEnum

Interaction types used in.

NN = 'NN' class-attribute instance-attribute

NN-Ising Interaction, N=(I-Z)/2.

XY = 'XY' class-attribute instance-attribute

XY Interaction.

XYZ = 'XYZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

XYZ Interaction.

ZZ = 'ZZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

ZZ-Ising Interaction.


Bases: StrEnum

Lie-Trotter-Suzuki approximation order.

BASIC = 'BASIC' class-attribute instance-attribute


ST2 = 'ST2' class-attribute instance-attribute


ST4 = 'ST4' class-attribute instance-attribute



Bases: StrEnum

Lattice topologies to choose from for the register.

ALL_TO_ALL = 'all_to_all' class-attribute instance-attribute

All to all- connected lattice.

ARBITRARY = 'arbitrary' class-attribute instance-attribute

Arbitrarily-shaped lattice.

CIRCLE = 'circle' class-attribute instance-attribute

Circular lattice.

HONEYCOMB_LATTICE = 'honeycomb_lattice' class-attribute instance-attribute

Honeycomb-shaped lattice.

LINE = 'line' class-attribute instance-attribute

Line-format lattice.

RECTANGULAR_LATTICE = 'rectangular_lattice' class-attribute instance-attribute

Rectangular-shaped lattice.

SQUARE = 'square' class-attribute instance-attribute

Square lattice.

TRIANGULAR_LATTICE = 'triangular_lattice' class-attribute instance-attribute

Triangular-shaped shape.


Bases: StrEnum

Multivariate strategy for feature maps.

PARALLEL = 'Parallel' class-attribute instance-attribute

Parallel strategy.

SERIES = 'Series' class-attribute instance-attribute

Serial strategy.

NoiseProtocol() dataclass

Type of noise protocol.

ANALOG = AnalogNoise class-attribute instance-attribute

Noise applied in analog blocks.

DIGITAL = DigitalNoise class-attribute instance-attribute

Noise applied to digital blocks.

READOUT = ReadoutNoise class-attribute instance-attribute

Noise applied on outputs of quantum programs.


Bases: StrEnum

A list of all available of digital-analog operations.

ANALOGENTANG = 'AnalogEntanglement' class-attribute instance-attribute

The analog entanglement operation.

ANALOGINTERACTION = 'AnalogInteraction' class-attribute instance-attribute

The analog interaction operation.

ANALOGRX = 'AnalogRX' class-attribute instance-attribute

The analog RX operation.

ANALOGRY = 'AnalogRY' class-attribute instance-attribute

The analog RY operation.

ANALOGRZ = 'AnalogRZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

The analog RZ operation.

ANALOGSWAP = 'AnalogSWAP' class-attribute instance-attribute

The analog SWAP operation.

CNOT = 'CNOT' class-attribute instance-attribute

The CNOT gate.

CPHASE = 'CPHASE' class-attribute instance-attribute

The controlled PHASE gate.

CRX = 'CRX' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Control RX gate.

CRY = 'CRY' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Controlled RY gate.

CRZ = 'CRZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Control RZ gate.

CSWAP = 'CSWAP' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Control SWAP gate.

CZ = 'CZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

The CZ gate.

ENTANGLE = 'entangle' class-attribute instance-attribute

The entanglement operation.

H = 'H' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Hadamard gate.

HAMEVO = 'HamEvo' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Hamiltonian Evolution operation.

I = 'I' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Identity gate.

MCPHASE = 'MCPHASE' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Multicontrol PHASE gate.

MCRX = 'MCRX' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Multicontrol RX gate.

MCRY = 'MCRY' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Multicontrol RY gate.

MCRZ = 'MCRZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Multicontrol RZ gate.

MCZ = 'MCZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Multicontrol CZ gate.

N = 'N' class-attribute instance-attribute

The N = (1/2)(I-Z) operator.

PHASE = 'PHASE' class-attribute instance-attribute

The PHASE gate.

PROJ = 'Projector' class-attribute instance-attribute

The projector operation.

RX = 'RX' class-attribute instance-attribute

The RX gate.

RY = 'RY' class-attribute instance-attribute

The RY gate.

RZ = 'RZ' class-attribute instance-attribute

The RZ gate.

S = 'S' class-attribute instance-attribute

The S gate.

SDAGGER = 'SDagger' class-attribute instance-attribute

The S dagger gate.

SWAP = 'SWAP' class-attribute instance-attribute

The SWAP gate.

T = 'T' class-attribute instance-attribute

The T gate.

TDAGGER = 'TDagger' class-attribute instance-attribute

The T dagger gate.

TOFFOLI = 'Toffoli' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Toffoli gate.

U = 'U' class-attribute instance-attribute

The U gate.

X = 'X' class-attribute instance-attribute

The X gate.

Y = 'Y' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Y gate.

Z = 'Z' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Z gate.

ZERO = 'Zero' class-attribute instance-attribute

The zero gate.


Bases: StrEnum

Overlap Methods to choose from.

COMPUTE_UNCOMPUTE = 'compute_uncompute' class-attribute instance-attribute


EXACT = 'exact' class-attribute instance-attribute


HADAMARD_TEST = 'hadamard_test' class-attribute instance-attribute


JENSEN_SHANNON = 'jensen_shannon' class-attribute instance-attribute


SWAP_TEST = 'swap_test' class-attribute instance-attribute



Bases: StrEnum

Parameter types available in qadence.

FEATURE = 'Feature' class-attribute instance-attribute

FeatureParameters act as input and are not trainable.

FIXED = 'Fixed' class-attribute instance-attribute

Fixed/ constant parameters are neither trainable nor act as input.

VARIATIONAL = 'Variational' class-attribute instance-attribute

VariationalParameters are trainable.


Bases: StrEnum

Qubit support types.

GLOBAL = 'global' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use global qubit support.


Bases: StrEnum

Type of readout protocol.

CORRELATED = 'Correlated Readout' class-attribute instance-attribute

Using a confusion matrix (2n, 2n) for corrupting bitstrings values.

INDEPENDENT = 'Independent Readout' class-attribute instance-attribute

Simple readout protocols where each qubit is corrupted independently.


Bases: StrEnum

Available data types for generating certain results.

NUMPY = 'Numpy' class-attribute instance-attribute

Numpy Array Type.

STRING = 'String' class-attribute instance-attribute

String Type.

TORCH = 'Torch' class-attribute instance-attribute

Torch Tensor Type.


Bases: StrEnum

Scaling for data reuploads in feature maps.

CONSTANT = 'Constant' class-attribute instance-attribute

Constant scaling.

EXP = 'Exponential' class-attribute instance-attribute

Exponentially increasing scaling.

TOWER = 'Tower' class-attribute instance-attribute

Linearly increasing scaling.


Bases: StrEnum

Available serialization formats for circuits.

JSON = 'JSON' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Json format.

PT = 'PT' class-attribute instance-attribute

The PT format used by Torch.


Bases: StrEnum

Methods to generate random states.

HAAR_MEASURE_FAST = 'HaarMeasureFast' class-attribute instance-attribute


HAAR_MEASURE_SLOW = 'HaarMeasureSlow' class-attribute instance-attribute

HaarMeasure non-optimized version.

RANDOM_ROTATIONS = 'RandomRotations' class-attribute instance-attribute

Random Rotations.


Bases: str, Enum


Used when dumping enum fields in a schema.

Source code in qadence/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Used when dumping enum fields in a schema."""
    ret: str = self.value
    return ret


Bases: StrEnum

Computing paradigm.

ANALOG = 'Analog' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the analog paradigm.

BDAQC = 'bDAQC' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the banged digital-analog QC paradigm.

DIGITAL = 'Digital' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the digital paradigm.

RYDBERG = 'Rydberg' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the Rydberg QC paradigm.

SDAQC = 'sDAQC' class-attribute instance-attribute

Use the step-wise digital-analog QC paradigm.


Bases: StrEnum

Tensor Types for converting blocks to tensors.

DENSE = 'Dense' class-attribute instance-attribute

Convert a block to a dense tensor.

SPARSE = 'Sparse' class-attribute instance-attribute

Convert a observable block to a sparse tensor.

SPARSEDIAGONAL = 'SparseDiagonal' class-attribute instance-attribute

Convert a diagonal observable block to a sparse diagonal if possible.


Bases: StrEnum

The available backends for running circuits.

HORQRUX = 'horqrux' class-attribute instance-attribute

The horqrux backend.

PULSER = 'pulser' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Pulser backend.

PYQTORCH = 'pyqtorch' class-attribute instance-attribute

The Pyqtorch backend.


Bases: StrEnum

Differentiation modes to choose from.

AD = 'ad' class-attribute instance-attribute

Automatic Differentiation.

ADJOINT = 'adjoint' class-attribute instance-attribute

Adjoint Differentiation.

GPSR = 'gpsr' class-attribute instance-attribute

Basic generalized parameter shift rule.