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Noisy Simulation

Running programs on NISQ devices often leads to imperfect results due to the presence of noise. In order to perform realistic simulations, a number of noise models (for digital operations, analog operations and simulated readout errors) are supported in Qadence.

Noisy simulations shift the quantum paradigm from a close-system (noiseless case) to an open-system (noisy case) where a quantum system is represented by a probabilistic combination \(p_i\) of possible pure states \(|\psi_i \rangle\). Thus, the system is described by a density matrix \(\rho\) (and computation modify the density matrix) defined as follows:

\[ \rho = \sum_i p_i |\psi_i\rangle \langle \psi_i| \]

The noise protocols applicable in Qadence are classified into three types: digital (for digital operations), analog (for analog operations), and readout error (for measurements).

Specifying a noise protocol

Each noise protocol can be specified using NoiseProtocol and requires specific options parameter passed as a dictionary. We show below for each type of noise how this can be done.

Digital noise protocol

Digital noise refer to unintended changes occurring with reference to the application of a noiseless digital gate operation. The following are the protocols of supported digital noise, along with brief descriptions. For digital noise, the error_probability is necessary for the noise initialization at the options parameter.

When dealing with programs involving digital operations, Qadence has interface to noise models implemented in PyQTorch. Detailed equations for these protocols are available from PyQTorch.

  • BITFLIP: flips between |0⟩ and |1⟩ with error_probability
  • PHASEFLIP: flips the phase of a qubit by applying a Z gate with error_probability
  • DEPOLARIZING: randomizes the state of a qubit by applying I, X, Y, or Z gates with equal error_probability
  • PAULI_CHANNEL: applies the Pauli operators (X, Y, Z) to a qubit with specified error_probabilities
  • AMPLITUDE_DAMPING: models the asymmetric process through which the qubit state |1⟩ irreversibly decays into the state |0⟩ with error_probability
  • PHASE_DAMPING: similar to AMPLITUDE_DAMPING but concerning the phase
  • GENERALIZED_AMPLITUDE_DAMPING: extends amplitude damping; the first float is error_probability of amplitude damping, and second float is the damping_rate

For digital noise simulation, you need to state NoiseProtocol with DIGITAL and then specify the noise protocol. Also, you put the value of error_probability as in next example.

from qadence import NoiseProtocol

protocol = NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.DEPOLARIZING
options = {"error_probability": 0.1}

Analog noise protocol

Analog noise can be set for analog operations. At the moment, we only enabled simulations via the Pulser backend. For Pulser noise implementation, you can refer to Pulser. Qadence is in the process of fully supporting all the noise protocols in the backends (especially Pulser). However, we are in transition, and currently, only DEPOLARIZING and DEPHAZING are available as protocols. The options dictionary requires to specify the field noise_probs.

  • Depolarizing: evolves to the maximally mixed state with noise_probs
  • Dephasing: induces the loss of phase coherence without affecting the population of computational basis states
from qadence import NoiseProtocol

protocol = NoiseProtocol.ANALOG.DEPOLARIZING
options = {"noise_probs": 0.1}

Readout error protocol

Readout errors are linked to the incorrect measurement outcomes from the system. In this protocol, we have error_probability, confusion_matrix, and seed option parameters. For the error_probability parameter, if float, the same probability error is applied to every bit. A different probability can be set for each qubit if a 1D tensor has an element number equal to the number of qubits. For confusion_matrix parameter, the square matrix for each possible bitstring of length n qubits. We have a seed parameter for reproducible purposes.

Currently, two readout protocols are available via PyQTorch.

  • Independent: all bits are corrupted independently with each other.
  • Correlated: apply a confusion_matrix of corruption between each possible bitstrings
from qadence import NoiseProtocol

options = {"error_probability": 0.01, "seed": 0}

Preparing noise protocols for usage

In order to apply the noise to Qadence objects, we need a wrapper called the NoiseHandler type. It is a container of several noise instances that require a specific protocol and a dictionary of options (or lists). The protocol field is to be instantiated from NoiseProtocol and options includes error-related information such as error_probability, noise_probs, and seed.

from qadence import NoiseHandler, NoiseProtocol

digital_noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.AMPLITUDE_DAMPING, options={"error_probability": 0.1})
analog_noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.ANALOG.DEPOLARIZING, options={"noise_probs": 0.1})
readout_noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.READOUT.INDEPENDENT, options={"error_probability": 0.1, "seed": 0})

NoiseHandler can be used in a more compact way to represent noise in batches.

  • A NoiseHandler can be initiated with a list of protocols and a list of options (careful with the order)
  • A NoiseHandler can be appended to other NoiseHandler instances
from qadence import NoiseHandler, NoiseProtocol

# initiating with list of protocols and options
protocols = [NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.DEPOLARIZING, NoiseProtocol.READOUT]
options = [{"error_probability": 0.1}, {"error_probability": 0.1, "seed": 0}]

noise_handler_list = NoiseHandler(protocols, options)

# NoiseHandler appending
depo_noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.DEPOLARIZING, options={"error_probability": 0.1})
readout_noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.READOUT.INDEPENDENT, options={"error_probability": 0.1, "seed": 0})
noise_combination = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.BITFLIP, options={"error_probability": 0.1})

# prints noise_combination
noise_combination.append([depo_noise, readout_noise])
Noise(BitFlip, {'error_probability': 0.1})
Noise(Depolarizing, {'error_probability': 0.1})
Noise(Independent Readout, {'error_probability': 0.1, 'seed': 0})

NoiseHandler scope

Note it is not possible to define NoiseHandler instances with both digital and analog noises, both readout and analog noises, several analog noises, several readout noises, or a readout noise that is not the last defined protocol within NoiseHandler.

Executing Noisy Simulation

Noisy simulation can be set by applying a NoiseHandler to the desired gate, block, QuantumCircuit, or QuantumModel.

from qadence import NoiseProtocol, RX, run, NoiseHandler
import torch

noise = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.BITFLIP, {"error_probability": 0.2})
circuit = RX(0, torch.pi, noise = noise)

# prints density matrix
Noisy density matrix = DensityMatrix([[[0.2000+0.0000e+00j, 0.0000+3.6739e-17j],
                [0.0000-3.6739e-17j, 0.8000+0.0000e+00j]]])

We can also apply noise with the set_noise function that apply a given noise configuration to the whole object.

from qadence import DiffMode, NoiseHandler, QuantumModel
from qadence.blocks import chain, kron
from qadence.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qadence.operations import AnalogRX, AnalogRZ, Z
from qadence.types import PI, BackendName, NoiseProtocol
from qadence import set_noise

analog_block = chain(AnalogRX(PI / 2.0), AnalogRZ(PI))
observable = Z(0) + Z(1)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, analog_block)

noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.ANALOG.DEPOLARIZING, options={"noise_probs": 0.2})
model = QuantumModel(

noiseless_expectation = model.expectation()

noisy_model = set_noise(model, noise)
noisy_expectation = noisy_model.expectation()
Noiseless expectation = tensor([[0.3961]])
Noisy expectation = tensor([[0.3254]])

Let's say we want to apply noise only to specific type of gates, a target_class argument can be passed with the corresponding block in set_noise.

from qadence import X, chain, set_noise, NoiseHandler, NoiseProtocol

block = chain(RX(0, "theta"), X(0))
noise = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.AMPLITUDE_DAMPING, {"error_probability": 0.1})

# prints noise configuration for each gate
set_noise(block, noise, target_class=X)
Noise type for gate RX(0) [params: ['theta']] is None.
Noise type for gate X(0) is Noise(AmplitudeDamping, {'error_probability': 0.1}).

One can set different noise models for each individual gates within the same circuit as follows:

from qadence import QuantumCircuit, X, sample, kron, NoiseHandler, NoiseProtocol
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

n_qubits = 2
noise_bitflip = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.BITFLIP, {"error_probability": 0.1})
noise_amplitude_damping = NoiseHandler(NoiseProtocol.DIGITAL.AMPLITUDE_DAMPING, {"error_probability": 0.3})
block = kron(X(0, noise=noise_bitflip), X(1, noise=noise_amplitude_damping))
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n_qubits, block)

xs = sample(circuit, n_shots=n_shots)

items = list(xs[0].keys())
values = [v/n_shots for v in xs[0].values()]

plt.figure(), values, color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.xticks(range(len(items)), items)
plt.title("Probability of state occurrence")
plt.xlabel('Possible States')
2025-03-13T17:13:16.681453 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.10.1,

The result of this figure would be a 100% 11 state without noise. However, with X(0) bitflip noise, the state 01 has some possibility, and with X(1) amplitude damping noise, more gap appears between state pairs of (00, 01) and (10, 11), as shown in the figure.

The readout error is computed with the density matrix of the state through sample execution.

from qadence import QuantumModel, QuantumCircuit, kron, H, Z
from qadence import hamiltonian_factory

# Simple circuit and observable construction.
block = kron(H(0), Z(1))
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2, block)
observable = hamiltonian_factory(circuit.n_qubits, detuning=Z)

# Construct a quantum model.
model = QuantumModel(circuit=circuit, observable=observable)

# Define a noise model to use.
noise = NoiseHandler(protocol=NoiseProtocol.READOUT.INDEPENDENT, options={"error_probability": 0.1})

# Run noiseless and noisy simulations.
noiseless_samples = model.sample(n_shots=100)
noisy_samples = model.sample(noise=noise, n_shots=100)
noiseless = [OrderedCounter({'10': 59, '00': 41})]
noisy = [OrderedCounter({'10': 57, '00': 41, '01': 2})]