Quantum circuit learning
This tutorial shows how to apply qadence
for solving a basic quantum
machine learning application: fitting a simple function with the
quantum circuit learning1 (QCL) algorithm.
QCL is a supervised quantum machine learning algorithm that uses a parametrized quantum neural network to learn the behavior of an arbitrary mathematical function using a set of function values as training data. This tutorial shows how to fit the \(\sin(x)\) function in the \([-1, 1]\) domain.
In the following, train and test data are defined.
Train the QCL model
Qadence provides the QNN
convenience constructor to build a quantum neural network.
class needs a circuit and a list of observables; the number of feature parameters in the input circuit
determines the number of input features (i.e. the dimensionality of the classical data given as input) whereas
the number of observables determines the number of outputs of the quantum neural network.
Total qubit magnetization is used as observable:
In the following the observable, quantum circuit and corresponding QNN model are constructed.
import qadence as qd
n_qubits = 4
# create a simple feature map to encode the input data
feature_param = qd.FeatureParameter("phi")
feature_map = qd.kron(qd.RX(i, feature_param) for i in range(n_qubits))
feature_map = qd.tag(feature_map, "feature_map")
# create a digital-analog variational ansatz using Qadence convenience constructors
ansatz = qd.hea(n_qubits, depth=n_qubits)
ansatz = qd.tag(ansatz, "ansatz")
# total qubit magnetization observable
observable = qd.hamiltonian_factory(n_qubits, detuning=qd.Z)
circuit = qd.QuantumCircuit(n_qubits, feature_map, ansatz)
model = qd.QNN(circuit, [observable])
expval = model(values=torch.rand(10))
The QCL algorithm uses the output of the quantum neural network as a tunable universal function approximator. Standard PyTorch code is used for training the QNN using a mean-square error loss, Adam optimizer. Training is performend on the GPU if available:
n_epochs = 100
lr = 0.25
input_values = {"phi": x_train}
mse_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() # standard PyTorch loss function
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) # standard PyTorch Adam optimizer
print(f"Initial loss: {mse_loss(model(values=x_train), y_train)}")
y_pred_initial = model(values=x_test)
for i in range(n_epochs):
# given a `n_batch` number of input points and a `n_observables`
# number of input observables to measure, the QNN returns
# an output of the following shape: [n_batch x n_observables]
# given that there is only one observable, a squeeze is applied to get
# a 1-dimensional tensor
loss = mse_loss(model(values=x_train).squeeze(), y_train)
if (i+1) % 20 == 0:
print(f"Epoch {i+1} - Loss: {loss.item()}")
assert loss.item() < 1e-3
Qadence offers some convenience functions to implement this training loop with advanced logging and metrics track features. You can refer to this tutorial for more details.
The quantum model is now trained on the training data points. To determine the quality of the results, one can check to see how well it fits the function on the test set.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y_pred = model({"phi": x_test})
# convert all the results to numpy arrays for plotting
x_train_np = x_train.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()
y_train_np = y_train.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()
x_test_np = x_test.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()
y_test_np = y_test.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()
y_pred_initial_np = y_pred_initial.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()
y_pred_np = y_pred.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()
fig, _ = plt.subplots()
plt.scatter(x_test_np, y_test_np, label="Test points", marker="o", color="orange")
plt.plot(x_test_np, y_pred_initial_np, label="Initial prediction", color="green", alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(x_test_np, y_pred_np, label="Final prediction")