Profiling and debugging on CUDA devices

For this to work, you'll have to have the right to access perf counters on your machine (for example with sudo or inside a Docker container). See:

$ pip install nvidia-pyindex
$ pip install nvidia-dlprof[pytorch]

Make sure that your entrypoint is an executable script. That means that it must start with a she-bang on the top line, e.g.

and have execution rights
$ chmod +x

Lastly it's recommended to add

import nvidia_dlprof_pytorch_nvtx
To your script in the beginning enable extra annotations of PyTorch functions.

You can then use dlprof to profile.

dlprof --mode=pytorch

PYQ_LOG_LEVEL=info QADENCE_LOG_LEVEL=debug dlprof --mode=pytorch examples/backends/

For example to achieve this through Docker we can start a session in the shell, also mounting our local Qadence version and PyQTorch (Both optional, but you probably need to mount your script at least)

$ docker run --rm --gpus=1 --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 \
 --ulimit stack=67108864 -it -p8000:8000 -v./:/opt/qadence -v ../PyQ:/opt/pyqtorch pytorch:24.02-py3 bash
(You may need to jump through extra hoops to make Docker access the GPUs if you have error messages like docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].)

After this you should have a shell inside the container and you can

root@2a85826c4e7b:/workspace# cd /opt/qadence/
root@2a85826c4e7b:/opt/qadence# pip3 install -e .
root@2a85826c4e7b:/opt/qadence# pip3 install -e ../pyqtorch/
root@2a85826c4e7b:/opt/qadence# pip3 install nvidia-dlprof[pytorch]
root@2a85826c4e7b:/opt/qadence# PYQ_LOG_LEVEL=debug QADENCE_LOG_LEVEL=debug dlprof --mode=pytorch --nsys_opts="-t cuda,nvtx,cublas,cusparse,cusparse-verbose,cublas-verbose --force-overwrite true" examples/models/

Where we have --force-overwrite true to always store the latest profiling result (hence you must rename the file) if you wish to keep several. We add cublas,cusparse,cusparse-verbose,cublas-verbose do get more details about the numerical backend pacakges being used.