This tutorial shows how to solve the maximum cut (MaxCut) combinatorial
optimization problem on a graph using the Quantum Approximate Optimization
Algorithm (QAOA), first introduced by Farhi et al. in 2014 1.
Given an arbitrary graph, the MaxCut problem consists in finding a
graph cut which partitions
the nodes into two disjoint sets, such that the number of edges in the
cut is maximized. This is a very common combinatorial optimization problem known to be computationally hard (NP-hard).
The graph used for this tutorial is an unweighted graph randomly generated using the networkx library with
a certain probability \(p\) of having an edge between two arbitrary nodes (known as Erdős–Rényi graph).
importnumpyasnpimportnetworkxasnximportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportrandom# ensure reproducibilityseed=42np.random.seed(seed)random.seed(seed)# Create random graphn_nodes=4edge_prob=0.8graph=nx.gnp_random_graph(n_nodes,edge_prob)nx.draw(graph)
The goal of the MaxCut algorithm is to maximize the following cost function:
where \(p\) is a given cut of the graph, \(\alpha\) is an index over the edges and \(\mathcal{C}_{\alpha}(p)\) is written
such that if the nodes connected by the \(\alpha\) edge are in the same set, it returns \(0\), otherwise it returns \(1\).
We will represent a cut \(p\) as a bitstring of length \(N\), where \(N\) is the number of nodes, and where the bit in position \(i\) shows to which partition node \(i\) belongs. We assign value 0 to one of the partitions defined by the cut and 1 to the other. Since this choice is arbitrary, every cut is represented by two bitstrings, e.g. "0011" and "1100" are equivalent.
Since in this tutorial we are only dealing with small graphs, we can find the maximum cut by brute force to make sure QAOA works as intended.
# Function to calculate the cost associated with a cutdefcalculate_cost(cut:str,graph:nx.graph)->float:"""Returns the cost of a given cut (represented by a bitstring)"""cost=0foredgeingraph.edges():(i,j)=edgeifcut[i]!=cut[j]:cost+=1returncost# Function to get a binary representation of an intget_binary=lambdax,n:format(x,"b").zfill(n)# List of all possible cutsall_possible_cuts=[bin(k)[2:].rjust(n_nodes,"0")forkinrange(2**n_nodes)]# List with the costs associated to each cutall_costs=[calculate_cost(cut,graph)forcutinall_possible_cuts]# Get the maximum costmaxcost=max(all_costs)# Get all cuts that correspond to the maximum costmaxcuts=[get_binary(i,n_nodes)fori,jinenumerate(all_costs)ifj==maxcost]print(f"The maximum cut is represented by the bitstrings {maxcuts}, with a cost of {maxcost}")
The Max-Cut problem can be solved by using the QAOA algorithm. QAOA belongs to the class of Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs), which means that its quantum circuit contains a certain number of parametrized quantum gates that need to be optimized with a classical optimizer.
The QAOA circuit is composed of two operators:
The cost operator \(U_c\): a circuit generated by the cost Hamiltonian which
encodes the cost function described above into a quantum circuit. The solution to the optimization problem is encoded in the ground state of the cost Hamiltonian \(H_c\).
The cost operator is simply the evolution of the cost Hamiltonian parametrized by a variational parameter \(\gamma\) so that \(U_c = e^{i\gamma H_c}.\)
The mixing operator \(U_b\): a simple set of single-qubit rotations with adjustable
angles which are tuned during the classical optimization loop to minimize the cost
The cost Hamiltonian of the MaxCut problem can be written as:
where \(\langle i,j\rangle\) represents the edge between nodes \(i\) and \(j\). The solution of the MaxCut problem is encoded in the ground state of the above Hamiltonian.
The QAOA quantum circuit consists of a number of layers, each layer containing a cost and a mixing operator.
Below, the QAOA quantum circuit is defined using
qadence operations.
First, a layer of Hadamard gates is applied to all qubits to prepare the initial state \(|+\rangle ^{\otimes n}\).
The cost operator of each layer can be built "manually", implementing the \(e^{iZZ\gamma}\) terms with CNOTs and a \(\rm{RZ}(2\gamma)\) rotation, or it can also be automatically decomposed
into digital single and two-qubits operations via the .digital_decomposition() method.
The decomposition is exact since the Hamiltonian generator is diagonal.
fromqadenceimporttag,kron,chain,RX,RZ,Z,H,CNOT,I,addfromqadenceimportHamEvo,QuantumCircuit,Parametern_qubits=graph.number_of_nodes()n_edges=graph.number_of_edges()n_layers=6# Generate the cost Hamiltonianzz_ops=add(Z(edge[0])@Z(edge[1])foredgeingraph.edges)cost_ham=0.5*(n_edges*kron(I(i)foriinrange(n_qubits))-zz_ops)# QAOA circuitdefbuild_qaoa_circuit(n_qubits,n_layers,graph):layers=[]# Layer of Hadamardsinitial_layer=kron(H(i)foriinrange(n_qubits))layers.append(initial_layer)forlayerinrange(n_layers):# cost layer with digital decomposition# cost_layer = HamEvo(cost_ham, f"g{layer}").digital_decomposition(approximation="basic")cost_layer=[]foredgeingraph.edges():(q0,q1)=edgezz_term=chain(CNOT(q0,q1),RZ(q1,Parameter(f"g{layer}")),CNOT(q0,q1),)cost_layer.append(zz_term)cost_layer=chain(*cost_layer)cost_layer=tag(cost_layer,"cost")# mixing layer with single qubit rotationsmixing_layer=kron(RX(i,f"b{layer}")foriinrange(n_qubits))mixing_layer=tag(mixing_layer,"mixing")# putting all together in a single ChainBlocklayers.append(chain(cost_layer,mixing_layer))final_b=chain(*layers)returnQuantumCircuit(n_qubits,final_b)circuit=build_qaoa_circuit(n_qubits,n_layers,graph)# Print a single layer of the circuit
Train the QAOA circuit to solve MaxCut
Given the QAOA circuit above, one can construct the associated Qadence QuantumModel
and train it using standard gradient based optimization.
where \(|\psi\rangle(\beta, \gamma)\) is the wavefunction obtained by running the QAQA
quantum circuit and the sum runs over the edges of the graph \(\langle i,j\rangle\).
importtorchfromqadenceimportQuantumModeltorch.manual_seed(seed)defloss_function(model:QuantumModel):# The loss corresponds to the expectation# value of the cost Hamiltonianreturn-1.0*model.expectation().squeeze()# initialize the parameters to random valuesmodel=QuantumModel(circuit,observable=cost_ham)model.reset_vparams(torch.rand(model.num_vparams))initial_loss=loss_function(model)print(f"Initial loss: {initial_loss}")# train the modeln_epochs=100lr=0.1optimizer=torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),lr=lr)foriinrange(n_epochs):optimizer.zero_grad()loss=loss_function(model)loss.backward()optimizer.step()if(i+1)%(n_epochs//10)==0:print(f"MaxCut cost at iteration {i+1}: {-loss.item()}")
Qadence offers some convenience functions to implement this training loop with advanced
logging and metrics track features. You can refer to this tutorial for more details.
Given the trained quantum model, one needs to sample the resulting quantum state to
recover the bitstring with the highest probability which corresponds to the maximum
cut of the graph.
samples=model.sample(n_shots=100)[0]most_frequent=max(samples,key=samples.get)print(f"Most frequently sampled bitstring corresponding to the maximum cut: {most_frequent}")# let's now draw the cut obtained with the QAOA procedurecolors=[]labels={}fornode,binzip(graph.nodes(),most_frequent):colors.append("green")ifint(b)==0elsecolors.append("red")labels[node]="A"ifint(b)==0else"B"nx.draw_networkx(graph,node_color=colors,with_labels=True,labels=labels)
Most frequently sampled bitstring corresponding to the maximum cut: 1001
Farhi et al. - A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm ↩