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Callbacks for Trainer

Qadence ml_tools provides a powerful callback system for customizing various stages of the training process. With callbacks, you can monitor, log, save, and alter your training workflow efficiently. A CallbackManager is used with Trainer to execute the training process with defined callbacks. Following default callbacks are already provided in the Trainer.

Default Callbacks

Below is a list of the default callbacks already implemented in the CallbackManager used with Trainer:

  • train_start: PlotMetrics, SaveCheckpoint, WriteMetrics
  • train_epoch_end: SaveCheckpoint, PrintMetrics, PlotMetrics, WriteMetrics
  • val_epoch_end: SaveBestCheckpoint, WriteMetrics
  • train_end: LogHyperparameters, LogModelTracker, WriteMetrics, SaveCheckpoint, PlotMetrics

This guide covers how to define and use callbacks in TrainConfig, integrate them with the Trainer class, and create custom callbacks using hooks.

1. Built-in Callbacks

Qadence ml_tools offers several built-in callbacks for common tasks like saving checkpoints, logging metrics, and tracking models. Below is an overview of each.

1.1. PrintMetrics

Prints metrics at specified intervals.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import PrintMetrics

print_metrics_callback = PrintMetrics(on="val_batch_end", called_every=100)

config = TrainConfig(

1.2. WriteMetrics

Writes metrics to a specified logging destination.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import WriteMetrics

write_metrics_callback = WriteMetrics(on="train_epoch_end", called_every=50)

config = TrainConfig(

1.3. PlotMetrics

Plots metrics based on user-defined plotting functions.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import PlotMetrics

plot_metrics_callback = PlotMetrics(on="train_epoch_end", called_every=100)

config = TrainConfig(

1.4. LogHyperparameters

Logs hyperparameters to keep track of training settings.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import LogHyperparameters

log_hyper_callback = LogHyperparameters(on="train_start", called_every=1)

config = TrainConfig(

1.5. SaveCheckpoint

Saves model checkpoints at specified intervals.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import SaveCheckpoint

save_checkpoint_callback = SaveCheckpoint(on="train_epoch_end", called_every=100)

config = TrainConfig(

1.6. SaveBestCheckpoint

Saves the best model checkpoint based on a validation criterion.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import SaveBestCheckpoint

save_best_checkpoint_callback = SaveBestCheckpoint(on="val_epoch_end", called_every=10)

config = TrainConfig(

1.7. LoadCheckpoint

Loads a saved model checkpoint at the start of training.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import LoadCheckpoint

load_checkpoint_callback = LoadCheckpoint(on="train_start")

config = TrainConfig(

1.8. LogModelTracker

Logs the model structure and parameters.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import LogModelTracker

log_model_callback = LogModelTracker(on="train_end")

config = TrainConfig(

1.9. LRSchedulerStepDecay

Reduces the learning rate by a factor at regular intervals.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import LRSchedulerStepDecay

lr_step_decay = LRSchedulerStepDecay(on="train_epoch_end", called_every=100, gamma=0.5)

config = TrainConfig(

1.10. LRSchedulerCyclic

Applies a cyclic learning rate schedule during training.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import LRSchedulerCyclic

lr_cyclic = LRSchedulerCyclic(on="train_batch_end", called_every=1, base_lr=0.001, max_lr=0.01, step_size=2000)

config = TrainConfig(

1.11. LRSchedulerCosineAnnealing

Applies cosine annealing to the learning rate during training.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import LRSchedulerCosineAnnealing

lr_cosine = LRSchedulerCosineAnnealing(on="train_batch_end", called_every=1, t_max=5000, min_lr=1e-6)

config = TrainConfig(

1.12. EarlyStopping

Stops training when a monitored metric has not improved for a specified number of epochs.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import EarlyStopping

early_stopping = EarlyStopping(on="val_epoch_end", called_every=1, monitor="val_loss", patience=5, mode="min")

config = TrainConfig(

1.13. GradientMonitoring

Logs gradient statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation, max) during training.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import GradientMonitoring

gradient_monitoring = GradientMonitoring(on="train_batch_end", called_every=10)

config = TrainConfig(

2. Custom Callbacks

The base Callback class in Qadence allows defining custom behavior that can be triggered at specified events (e.g., start of training, end of epoch). You can set parameters such as when the callback runs (on), frequency of execution (called_every), and optionally define a callback_condition.

Defining Callbacks

There are two main ways to define a callback: 1. Directly providing a function in the Callback instance. 2. Subclassing the Callback class and implementing custom logic.

Example 1: Providing a Callback Function Directly

from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import Callback

# Define a custom callback function
def custom_callback_function(trainer, config, writer):
    print("Executing custom callback.")

# Create the callback instance
custom_callback = Callback(

Example 2: Subclassing the Callback

from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import Callback

class CustomCallback(Callback):
    def run_callback(self, trainer, config, writer):
        print("Custom behavior in run_callback method.")

# Create the subclassed callback instance
custom_callback = CustomCallback(on="train_batch_end", called_every=10)

3. Adding Callbacks to TrainConfig

To use callbacks in TrainConfig, add them to the callbacks list when configuring the training process.

from qadence.ml_tools import TrainConfig
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import SaveCheckpoint, PrintMetrics

config = TrainConfig(
        SaveCheckpoint(on="val_epoch_end", called_every=50),
        PrintMetrics(on="train_epoch_end", called_every=100),

4. Using Callbacks with Trainer

The Trainer class in qadence.ml_tools provides built-in support for executing callbacks at various stages in the training process, managed through a callback manager. By default, several callbacks are added to specific hooks to automate common tasks, such as check-pointing, metric logging, and model tracking.

Default Callbacks

Below is a list of the default callbacks and their assigned hooks:

  • train_start: PlotMetrics, SaveCheckpoint, WriteMetrics
  • train_epoch_end: SaveCheckpoint, PrintMetrics, PlotMetrics, WriteMetrics
  • val_epoch_end: SaveBestCheckpoint, WriteMetrics
  • train_end: LogHyperparameters, LogModelTracker, WriteMetrics, SaveCheckpoint, PlotMetrics

These defaults handle common needs, but you can also add custom callbacks to any hook.

Example: Adding a Custom Callback

To create a custom Trainer that includes a PrintMetrics callback executed specifically at the end of each epoch, follow the steps below.

from qadence.ml_tools.trainer import Trainer
from qadence.ml_tools.callbacks import PrintMetrics

class CustomTrainer(Trainer):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.print_metrics_callback = PrintMetrics(on="train_epoch_end", called_every = 10)

    def on_train_epoch_end(self, train_epoch_loss_metrics):