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The environment module

The environment module defines an Environment type that plays a similar role as a context (or typing environment) for type checking systems. Here, it is a record of information for the qubit register and compilation directives.


An environment to hold register information and compiler directives.


Add grid options to the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def add_grid_options(options: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Add grid options to the Environment."""
    current = Environment.grid_options or {}
    Environment.grid_options = {**current, **options}


Add QPU directives to the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def add_qpu_directives(directives: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Add QPU directives to the Environment."""
    current = Environment.directives or {}
    Environment.directives = {**current, **directives}


Add compilation settings to the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def add_settings(settings: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Add compilation settings to the Environment."""
    current = Environment.settings or {}
    Environment.settings = {**current, **settings}


Get grid options from the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_grid_options() -> dict[str, Any] | None:
    """Get grid options from the Environment."""
    return Environment.grid_options


Get grid scale in the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_grid_scale() -> float:
    """Get grid scale in the Environment."""
    return Environment.grid_scale


Get grid type from the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_grid_type() -> Literal["linear", "square", "triangular"] | None:
    """Get grid type from the Environment."""
    return Environment.grid_type


Get the number of qubits from the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_number_qubits() -> int:
    """Get the number of qubits from the Environment."""
    return Environment.num_qubits


Get QPU directives from the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_qpu_directives() -> dict[str, Any] | None:
    """Get QPU directives from the Environment."""
    return Environment.directives


Get qubit positions from the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_qubits_positions() -> list[tuple[int, int]] | list[int] | None:
    """Get qubit positions from the Environment."""
    return Environment.qubit_positions


Get compilation settings from the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def get_settings() -> dict[str, Any] | None:
    """Get compilation settings from the Environment."""
    return Environment.settings


Reset Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def reset_ir_options() -> None:
    """Reset Environment."""
    Environment.qubit_positions = None
    Environment.grid_type = None
    Environment.grid_scale = 1.0
    Environment.num_qubits = 0
    Environment.grid_options = None
    Environment.directives = None
    Environment.settings = None


Set grid scale in the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def set_grid_scale(s: float) -> None:
    """Set grid scale in the Environment."""
    Environment.grid_scale = s


Set grid type in the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def set_grid_type(grid: Literal["linear", "square", "triangular"]) -> None:
    """Set grid type in the Environment."""
    Environment.grid_type = grid


Set the number of qubits in the Environment if not defined in the register.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def set_number_qubits(n: int) -> None:
    """Set the number of qubits in the Environment if not defined in the register."""
    if Environment.qubit_positions and n != len(Environment.qubit_positions):
        raise ValueError("Number of qubits already defined by the register.")
    Environment.num_qubits = n


Set qubits positions in the Environment.

Source code in qadence2_expressions/core/
def set_qubits_positions(pos: list[tuple[int, int]] | list[int]) -> None:
    """Set qubits positions in the Environment."""
    Environment.qubit_positions = pos