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This module defines a factory method that creates a compiler function based on an IRBuilder.

The compiler function, that can be generated using the factory, should be used to to compile a certain type of input, based on the front-end that is being used, to IR code. This is the first step of compilation, which is followed by a compilation from IR to the targeted backend.


Constructs an IR compiler function for a specific input type by using an IRBuilder.

The factory function uses an IRBuilder[InputType] to create an IR compiler function that converts an input of type InputType and returns a Model. The IR compiler must be named 'compile_to_model' by convention to ensure accessibility to other engines in the framework.


A concrete implementation of the generic class IRBuilder for a particular InputType.

TYPE: IRBuilder[InputType]

Callable[[InputType], Model]

A function that compiles an InputType object to the Qadence-IR (Model).

Source code in qadence2_ir/
def ir_compiler_factory(builder: IRBuilder[InputType]) -> Callable[[InputType], Model]:
    """Constructs an IR compiler function for a specific input type by using an `IRBuilder`.

    The factory function uses an `IRBuilder[InputType]` to create an IR compiler function that
    converts an input of type `InputType` and returns a Model. The IR compiler must be named
    'compile_to_model' by convention to ensure accessibility to other engines in the framework.

        builder: A concrete implementation of the generic class `IRBuilder` for a particular

        A function that compiles an `InputType` object to the Qadence-IR (`Model`).

    def ir_compiler(input_obj: InputType) -> Model:
        register = builder.set_register(input_obj)
        directives = builder.set_directives(input_obj)
        settings = builder.settings(input_obj)

        ast = builder.parse_sequence(input_obj)
        input_variables = extract_inputs_variables(ast)
        instructions = build_instructions(ast)

        return Model(register, input_variables, instructions, directives, settings)

    return ir_compiler