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PyQTorch embedding


Bases: Module

A class holding:

  • A parameterbuffer containing concretized vparams + list of featureparams,
  • A dictionary of intermediate and leaf variable names mapped to a TorchCall object which can be results of function/expression evaluations.
Source code in qadence2_platforms/backends/pyqtorch/
def __init__(self, model: Model) -> None:
    self.param_buffer = ParameterBuffer.from_model(model)
    self.var_to_torchcall: dict[str, Callable] = self.create_var_to_torchcall_mapping(model)


Expects a dict of user-passed name:value pairs for featureparameters.

and assigns all intermediate and leaf variables using the current vparam values and the passed values for featureparameters.

Source code in qadence2_platforms/backends/pyqtorch/
def __call__(self, inputs: dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
    Expects a dict of user-passed name:value pairs for featureparameters.

    and assigns all intermediate and leaf variables using the current vparam values
    and the passed values for featureparameters.
    assigned_params: dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
        # TODO: check why it is failing (doesn't affect code reliability apparently)
        assert inputs.keys() == self.param_buffer.fparams.keys()
    except Exception as _:
    for var, torchcall in self.var_to_torchcall.items():
        assigned_params[var] = torchcall(
            },  # we add the "intermediate" variables too
    assigned_params = {**assigned_params, **inputs}
    return assigned_params

ParameterBuffer(trainable_vars, non_trainable_vars)

Bases: Module

A class holding all root parameters either passed by the user.

or trainable variational parameters.

Source code in qadence2_platforms/backends/pyqtorch/
def __init__(
    trainable_vars: list[str],
    non_trainable_vars: list[str],
) -> None:
    self.vparams = {p: torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True) for p in trainable_vars}
    self.fparams = {p: None for p in non_trainable_vars}
    self._dtype = torch.float64
    self._device = torch.device("cpu")


Convert a Call object into a torchified function which can be evaluated using.

a vparams and inputs dict.

Source code in qadence2_platforms/backends/pyqtorch/
def torch_call(call: Call) -> Callable[[dict, dict], torch.Tensor]:
    Convert a `Call` object into a torchified function which can be evaluated using.

    a vparams and inputs dict.
    fn = getattr(torch, call.identifier)

    def evaluate(params: dict, inputs: dict) -> torch.Tensor:
        args = []
        for symbol in call.args:
            if isinstance(symbol, float):
                # NOTE we compile constants into each TorchCallable instead of passing
                # them around in the values dict
            elif isinstance(symbol, Load):
                args.append({**params, **inputs}[symbol.variable])
        return fn(*args)

    return evaluate