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Connects UUIDs of parameters to their expressions and names.

This class is not user-facing and only needed for more complex block definitions. It provides convenient access to expressions/UUIDs/names needed in different backends.



TYPE: str | TNumber | Tensor | Basic | Parameter DEFAULT: {}


import sympy
from qadence.parameters import ParamMap

(x,y) = sympy.symbols("x y")
ps = ParamMap(omega=2.0, duration=x+y)

print(f"{ps.names() = }")
print(f"{ps.expressions() = }")
print(f"{ps.uuids() = }")
ps.names() = dict_keys(['omega', 'duration'])
ps.expressions() = dict_values([2.00000000000000, x + y])
ps.uuids() = dict_keys(['2a737266-5c73-48f1-91f8-3e4b06303b33', '596ead12-4a7d-40b6-a988-5739e7998ab6'])

Source code in qadence/
def __init__(self, **kwargs: str | TNumber | Tensor | Basic | Parameter):
    self._name_dict: dict[str, tuple[str, Basic]] = {}
    self._uuid_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
    for name, v in kwargs.items():
        param = v if isinstance(v, sympy.Basic) else Parameter(v)
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        self._name_dict[name] = (uuid, param)
        self._uuid_dict[uuid] = param


Bases: Symbol

A wrapper on top of sympy.Symbol.

Includes two additional keywords: trainable and value. This class is to define both feature parameter and variational parameters.

trainable instance-attribute

Trainable parameters are variational parameters.

Non-trainable parameters are feature parameters.

value instance-attribute

(Initial) value of the parameter.

__new__(name, **assumptions)


name: When given a string only, the class
    constructs a trainable Parameter with a a randomly initialized value.
**assumptions: are passed on to the parent class `sympy.Symbol`. Two new assumption
    kwargs are supported by this constructor: `trainable: bool`, and `value: TNumber`.


from qadence.parameters import Parameter, VariationalParameter

theta = Parameter("theta")
print(f"{theta}: trainable={theta.trainable} value={theta.value}")
assert not theta.is_number

# you can specify both trainable/value in the constructor
theta = Parameter("theta", trainable=True, value=2.0)
print(f"{theta}: trainable={theta.trainable} value={theta.value}")

# VariationalParameter/FeatureParameter are constructing
# trainable/untrainable Parameters
theta = VariationalParameter("theta", value=2.0)
assert theta == Parameter("theta", trainable=True, value=2.0)

# When provided with a numeric type, Parameter constructs a sympy numeric type":
constant_zero = Parameter(0)
assert constant_zero.is_number

# When passed a Parameter or a sympy expression, it just returns it.
expr = Parameter("x") * Parameter("y")
print(f"{expr=} : {expr.free_symbols}")
theta: trainable=True value=0.7871142068782487
theta: trainable=True value=2.0
expr=x*y : {y, x}

Source code in qadence/
def __new__(
    cls, name: str | TNumber | Tensor | Basic | Parameter, **assumptions: Any
) -> Parameter | Basic | Expr | Array:

        name: When given a string only, the class
            constructs a trainable Parameter with a a randomly initialized value.
        **assumptions: are passed on to the parent class `sympy.Symbol`. Two new assumption
            kwargs are supported by this constructor: `trainable: bool`, and `value: TNumber`.

    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence.parameters import Parameter, VariationalParameter

    theta = Parameter("theta")
    print(f"{theta}: trainable={theta.trainable} value={theta.value}")
    assert not theta.is_number

    # you can specify both trainable/value in the constructor
    theta = Parameter("theta", trainable=True, value=2.0)
    print(f"{theta}: trainable={theta.trainable} value={theta.value}")

    # VariationalParameter/FeatureParameter are constructing
    # trainable/untrainable Parameters
    theta = VariationalParameter("theta", value=2.0)
    assert theta == Parameter("theta", trainable=True, value=2.0)

    # When provided with a numeric type, Parameter constructs a sympy numeric type":
    constant_zero = Parameter(0)
    assert constant_zero.is_number

    # When passed a Parameter or a sympy expression, it just returns it.
    expr = Parameter("x") * Parameter("y")
    print(f"{expr=} : {expr.free_symbols}")
    p: Parameter
    if isinstance(name, get_args(TNumber)):
        return sympify(name)
    elif isinstance(name, Tensor):
        if name.numel() == 1:
            return sympify(name)
            return Array(name.detach().numpy())
    elif isinstance(name, Parameter):
        p = super().__new__(cls,, **assumptions) =
        p.trainable = name.trainable
        p.value = name.value
        p.is_time = name.is_time
        return p
    elif isinstance(name, (Basic, Expr)):
        if name.is_number:
            return sympify(evaluate(name))
        return name
    elif isinstance(name, str):
        p = super().__new__(cls, name, **assumptions)
        p.trainable = assumptions.get("trainable", True)
        p.value = assumptions.get("value", None)
        p.is_time = assumptions.get("is_time", False)
        if p.value is None:
            p.value = rand(1).item()
        return p
        raise TypeError(f"Parameter does not support type {type(name)}")

FeatureParameter(name, **kwargs)

Shorthand for Parameter(..., trainable=False).

Source code in qadence/
def FeatureParameter(name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Parameter:
    """Shorthand for `Parameter(..., trainable=False)`."""
    return Parameter(name, trainable=False, **kwargs)


Shorthand for Parameter(..., trainable=False, is_time=True).

Source code in qadence/
def TimeParameter(name: str) -> Parameter:
    """Shorthand for `Parameter(..., trainable=False, is_time=True)`."""
    return Parameter(name, trainable=False, is_time=True)

VariationalParameter(name, **kwargs)

Shorthand for Parameter(..., trainable=True).

Source code in qadence/
def VariationalParameter(name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Parameter:
    """Shorthand for `Parameter(..., trainable=True)`."""
    return Parameter(name, trainable=True, **kwargs)

evaluate(expr, values=None, as_torch=False)


expr: An expression consisting of Parameters.
values: values dict which contains values for the Parameters,
    if empty, Parameter.value will be used.
as_torch: Whether to retrieve a torch-differentiable expression result.


from qadence.parameters import Parameter, evaluate

expr = Parameter("x") * Parameter("y")

# Unless specified, Parameter initialized random values
# Lets evaluate this expression and see what the result is
res = evaluate(expr)

# We can also evaluate the expr using a custom dict
d = {"x": 1, "y":2}
res = evaluate(expr, d)

# Lastly, if we want a differentiable result, lets put the as_torch flag
res = evaluate(expr, d, as_torch=True)

Source code in qadence/
def evaluate(expr: Expr, values: dict | None = None, as_torch: bool = False) -> TNumber | Tensor:

        expr: An expression consisting of Parameters.
        values: values dict which contains values for the Parameters,
            if empty, Parameter.value will be used.
        as_torch: Whether to retrieve a torch-differentiable expression result.

    ```python exec="on" source="material-block" result="json"
    from qadence.parameters import Parameter, evaluate

    expr = Parameter("x") * Parameter("y")

    # Unless specified, Parameter initialized random values
    # Lets evaluate this expression and see what the result is
    res = evaluate(expr)

    # We can also evaluate the expr using a custom dict
    d = {"x": 1, "y":2}
    res = evaluate(expr, d)

    # Lastly, if we want a differentiable result, lets put the as_torch flag
    res = evaluate(expr, d, as_torch=True)
    res: Basic
    res_value: TNumber | Tensor
    query: dict[Parameter, TNumber | Tensor] = dict()
    values = values or dict()
    if isinstance(expr, Array):
        return Tensor(expr.tolist())
        if not expr.is_number:
            for s in expr.free_symbols:
                if in values.keys():
                    query[s] = values[]
                elif hasattr(s, "value"):
                    query[s] = s.value
                    raise ValueError(f"No value provided for symbol {}")
        if as_torch:
            res_value = make_differentiable(expr)(**{ tensor(v) for s, v in query.items()})
            res = expr.subs(query)
            res_value = sympy_to_numeric(res)
        return res_value


Given an Expression, what was the original "param" given by the user? It is either.

going to be a numeric value, or a sympy Expression (in case a string was given, it was converted via Parameter("string").

Source code in qadence/
def extract_original_param_entry(
    param: Expr,
) -> TNumber | Tensor | Expr:
    Given an Expression, what was the original "param" given by the user? It is either.

    going to be a numeric value, or a sympy Expression (in case a string was given,
    it was converted via Parameter("string").
    return param if not param.is_number else evaluate(param)

Parameter embedding

embedding(block, to_gate_params=False, engine=Engine.TORCH)

Construct embedding function which maps user-facing parameters to either expression-level.

parameters or gate-level parameters. The constructed embedding function has the signature:

 embedding_fn(params: ParamDictType, inputs: ParamDictType) -> ParamDictType:

which means that it maps the variational parameter dict params and the feature parameter dict inputs to one new parameter dict embedded_dict which holds all parameters that are needed to execute a circuit on a given backend. There are two different modes for this mapping:

  • Expression-level parameters: For AD-based optimization. For every unique expression we end up with one entry in the embedded dict: len(embedded_dict) == len(unique_parameter_expressions).
  • Gate-level parameters: For PSR-based optimization or real devices. One parameter for each gate parameter, regardless if they are based on the same expression. len(embedded_dict) == len(parametric_gates). This is needed because PSR requires to shift the angles of every gate where the same parameter appears.

parametrized block into which we want to embed parameters.

TYPE: AbstractBlock


A boolean flag whether to generate gate-level parameters or expression-level parameters.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

tuple[ParamDictType, Callable[[ParamDictType, ParamDictType], ParamDictType]]

A tuple with variational parameter dict and the embedding function.

Source code in qadence/blocks/
def embedding(
    block: AbstractBlock, to_gate_params: bool = False, engine: Engine = Engine.TORCH
) -> tuple[
    Callable[[ParamDictType, ParamDictType], ParamDictType],
    """Construct embedding function which maps user-facing parameters to either *expression-level*.

    parameters or *gate-level* parameters. The constructed embedding function has the signature:

         embedding_fn(params: ParamDictType, inputs: ParamDictType) -> ParamDictType:

    which means that it maps the *variational* parameter dict `params` and the *feature* parameter
    dict `inputs` to one new parameter dict `embedded_dict` which holds all parameters that are
    needed to execute a circuit on a given backend. There are two different *modes* for this

    - *Expression-level* parameters: For AD-based optimization. For every unique expression we end
      up with one entry in the embedded dict:
      `len(embedded_dict) == len(unique_parameter_expressions)`.
    - *Gate-level* parameters: For PSR-based optimization or real devices. One parameter for each
      gate parameter, regardless if they are based on the same expression. `len(embedded_dict) ==
      len(parametric_gates)`. This is needed because PSR requires to shift the angles of **every**
      gate where the same parameter appears.

        block: parametrized block into which we want to embed parameters.
        to_gate_params: A boolean flag whether to generate gate-level parameters or
            expression-level parameters.

        A tuple with variational parameter dict and the embedding function.
    concretize_parameter = _concretize_parameter(engine)
    if engine == Engine.TORCH:
        cast_dtype = tensor
        from jax.numpy import array

        cast_dtype = array

    unique_expressions = unique(expressions(block))
    unique_symbols = [p for p in unique(parameters(block)) if not isinstance(p, sympy.Array)]
    unique_const_matrices = [e for e in unique_expressions if isinstance(e, sympy.Array)]
    unique_expressions = [e for e in unique_expressions if not isinstance(e, sympy.Array)]

    # NOTE
    # there are 3 kinds of parameters in qadence
    # - non-trainable which are considered as inputs for classical data
    # - trainable which are the variational parameters to be optimized
    # - fixed: which are non-trainable parameters with fixed value (e.g. pi/2)
    # both non-trainable and trainable parameters can have the same element applied
    # to different operations in the quantum circuit, e.g. assigning the same parameter
    # to multiple gates.
    non_numeric_symbols = [p for p in unique_symbols if not p.is_number]
    trainable_symbols = [p for p in non_numeric_symbols if p.trainable]
    constant_expressions = [expr for expr in unique_expressions if expr.is_number]
    # we dont need to care about constant symbols if they are contained in an symbolic expression
    # we only care about gate params which are ONLY a constant

    embeddings: dict[sympy.Expr, DifferentiableExpression] = {
        expr: make_differentiable(expr=expr, engine=engine)
        for expr in unique_expressions
        if not expr.is_number

    uuid_to_expr = uuid_to_expression(block)

    def embedding_fn(params: ParamDictType, inputs: ParamDictType) -> ParamDictType:
        embedded_params: dict[sympy.Expr, ArrayLike] = {}
        for expr, fn in embeddings.items():
            angle: ArrayLike
            values = {}
            for symbol in expr.free_symbols:
                if in inputs:
                    value = inputs[]
                elif in params:
                    value = params[]
                    if symbol.is_time:
                        value = tensor(1.0)
                        msg_trainable = "Trainable" if symbol.trainable else "Non-trainable"
                        raise KeyError(
                            f"{msg_trainable} parameter '{}' not found in the "
                            f"inputs list: {list(inputs.keys())} nor the "
                            f"params list: {list(params.keys())}."
                values[] = value
            angle = fn(**values)
            # do not reshape parameters which are multi-dimensional
            # tensors, such as for example generator matrices
            if not len(angle.squeeze().shape) > 1:
                angle = angle.reshape(-1)
            embedded_params[expr] = angle

        for e in constant_expressions + unique_const_matrices:
            embedded_params[e] = params[stringify(e)]

        if to_gate_params:
            gate_lvl_params: ParamDictType = {}
            for uuid, e in uuid_to_expr.items():
                gate_lvl_params[uuid] = embedded_params[e]
            return gate_lvl_params
            for k, v in params.items():
                if k not in embedded_params:
                    embedded_params[k] = v
            out = {
                stringify(k) if not isinstance(k, str) else k: (
                    as_tensor(v)[None] if as_tensor(v).ndim == 0 else v
                for k, v in embedded_params.items()
            return out

    params: ParamDictType
    params = { concretize_parameter(value=p.value, trainable=True) for p in trainable_symbols
            stringify(expr): concretize_parameter(value=evaluate(expr), trainable=False)
            for expr in constant_expressions
            stringify(expr): cast_dtype(nparray(expr.tolist(), dtype=npcdouble))
            for expr in unique_const_matrices
    return params, embedding_fn